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Dom Tuk
is it not shameful that a govt that passes judgement on a tyrannical ruler like Hussein, who terrorised the Kurds and Shias and goes into a costly war to remove him, wines and dines the Chinese PM who...
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Has our esteemed Prime Minister, who was recently re-elected with the smallest proportion of votes ever, now taken upon himself Presidential powers?He seems to be becoming more and more extreme in his...
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I took a joint of beef out of the freezer earlier today and put it in the fridge so we can have it for dinner tommorrow.But, i fancy it today...and it's still frozen. Any suggestions....microwave ?...
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can i survive thirty thousand shots in different parts of the head
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hi, has anybody got any good ideas to help me with this,growingly annoying, problem? my gf recently bought an mp3 player, she tried putting some songs onto it via window media player but only about a...
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dj dave
i have a red light on my dash displaying SRS what does this mean
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Is it true that hot water freezes more quickly than cold water
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Champagne has been 10 years since my last confession.In this time I have blasphemed, sworn, disputed, rebuked and upset others, lied, cavorted naked, fought, murdered and stolen.... and all on...
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Pulled it up today and it made a clonk. It still works, but its a bit loose and i have to pull it up a bit further now before it takes affect. Whats wrong with it? Cheers
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Hi all I'd like to play sound from my TV into my stereo. What wire would I need for this? My stereo is about 5 years old 3-disc player Sony thing and TV is 2 yr old 28inch widescreen by Ferguson? As...
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This may be a stupid question but I've just made my nut-free Christmas cake for a family who have a child with a nut allergy. However I've now noticed that my mixed spice includes nutmeg. Will this...
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Seeing as how so many people here seem to believe that the country is falling apart and that we are now in an absolutely pitiful state of affairs, I was just wondering which decade of the 20th century...
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Can anyone tell me more about an inter cranial bleed? My best friend suffered one last night and im all over the place worrying about her, but dont know too many details at the moment.
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someone has asked me what 3 superhero powers i would have if i could choose. he's told me to have a think and get back to him. i need some insperation... what would yours be??
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I got hit in the spectacles by a flying nail and they broke, a very small piece of the glass hit me in the eye, just came from the hosp and they said nothing is actually there, even though it feels...
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Anybody know of a subscription site that has an excellent record of predicting the FTSE 100. Regards
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Stuck in an office but i'm not an office person. Want to do something really meaningful and worthwhile? And be responsive to challenges. What do people out there consider to be the top "job...
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Hi - I need to pull a sicky or something to get two weeks off of work. How can I do this? The job I'm in means i'd need a doctors note after 3 days off- and I'll be out of the county. What's the best...
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I have one telephone line coming in and am wondering as well as using my standard pc on the internet can my partner use his laptop on the Internet at the same time and if so wat do we have to buy to...
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the large rocket's landing on car's causing small dent's and scratche's who is to blame ? and what insurance could one claim on ?

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