My elderly mother has a British Gas condensor boiler - somebody told her she has to keep it switched on all night as otherwise there is a danger of Legionnaire's Disease - surely this can't be true?...
I've just been diagnosed with a vitreous detachment in one eye - and have been told I will have to put up with several large floaters in my right eye - does anyone out there have this problems and...
Can anyone give me some tips on not getting envious and wound up by other people when they go on about their houses/cars/holidays etc etc - I can get to work feeling on top of the world and have to...
I want to get rid of this - but am not sure who I should contact - any ideas? By the way I'm in an upstairs flat so its not just for collection as such.
I'm trying to replace a coffee cup for my mum but can't remember the brand - its a dark green colour, quite heavy, and I think French. The cup was quite a good sized one and the range was pretty...
My dad, who is 86, has a lot of health problems - bad back, can't walk properly, very bad cough, failing memory and a very nasty skin lesion. He is very frightened of doctors and hospitals and won't...
For the last few weeks I've been getting some odd pains in the left side of my back - they're very sudden, very sharp pains - almost like a quick electric shock! Anyone have any experience like this?
I used to have a very small (matchbox size) radio but you could press a button on it and it would play the sound of waves - anyone know where I could get one?
Ages ago I saw a candle holder in a magazine and will be very impressed if anyone can tell me where I can buy one - it was like a large pebble to put a t-light in - but there were several small...
Intresting programme but why do we call these groups of peoples "nomads" and praise their way of life, but when it comes to "nomads" in our own country we call them...
I genuinely get depressed in the summer but come alive once the winter weather is on its way - I've read online that this is now recognised as reverse seasonal affective disorder - is there anyone...