http://www.theanswerb...e/Question946789.html It was not rude merely pointing out some home truths. Must I take sh1te from trolls? Do you remove any reported post or can you judge for yourself? Did...
Was I unfair to Kendra here http://www.theanswerb...e/Question946789.html this is what I said at 19:31, Kendra has reported me, unfairly in my opinion: " Kendra, guess what there is a road near...
So I ask a serious question, how do we get rid of this idea that it's a career choice to have kids and live on benefits? Would a harsh measure, install in the generation that endures it, a sense that...
Ex Top union man for Shadow Chancellor, that'll frighten the voters! Oh dear Red Labour out for a generation. Tactical error Red Ed methinks!...
Many of them actually have jobs so on paper they should actually hate the professional scroungers. They don't seem to mind funding innefficeint nonsense jobs in the public sector. They don't seem to...
Now it's common knowledge what causes this but I noticed something the other day whilst watching a car program. The wheels in question were going backwards as usual but there was the circle of wheel...
On the front of some of the dailies today, a Fair statement from the governement? Should we be discouraging the "baby factory" "career scrounger" people?
Should the public sector still have final salary pensions funded by the tax payer when most of the real world has to make do with money purchase?
There is no doubt of guilt, can there be a clearer case for capital punishement? Should he spend the customary 20 years in jail first?...
On the front page of the Metro it says that a teenager has been jailed for refusing to reveal a password. Does anyone know the law for this? It's in Scoitland so maybe it's different. It seems to me...
Will they have to cut back the fags and white lightening? Or heaven forfend actually get a job? Will the cap discourage the career benefits mob?...