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What 'DSG customer location' means on a parcel tracking website? I ordered a laptop from PC World for my oh and was horrified to find out they are using Yodel to deliver, when checking their website...
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How often do you take your cat to the vets for check ups, etc? I've just been rollocked by someone when I said I haven't taken mine since he had his injections as a kitten (apart from once when he was...
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So i have a beautiful golden reteriever i want to do some kind of showing with her but i dont know wether to do obiedents agility or healing so i'll just tell you about my Bella and then i would like...
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UGH - ages since I had a Beechams hot lemon drink - OH bought some today and we found the taste has completely changed - its really bitter and absolutely vile, I shuddered at every sip used...
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How long would you wait before taking action? It's been 5 days since this auction ended and it looks like I have another non payer. Sent invoice and a message and had no reply at all. It's only 4...
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kia cat
we found quite a few of these, in the back of father-in-law's drawer. Do they have a time limit on them? Most have a receipt some are two and 3 years old. Thanks...
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for a holiday! When you think they are one of the richest Country's in the World, this is disgusting!!!!!
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Who is your local "celebrity?" Every small town seems to have their weirdo - who is yours? I'm developing a character for a book, so please be specific.
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If you don't like swearing, don't open it, but it is funny! :) ...
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I wondered if anyone knows how much wool sweaters shrink when you felt them? I need to finish up with a size 10. What size do I need to start off with?
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I have had a mailshot from a company called Wallshield. I think this is where they spray some sort resin type composite on to your external walls and among other things it makes a smooth finish on...
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Our young wolfie bitch has split her pad its fairly deep, we have cleaned and sprayed septicleanse on it and but an inodine patch over, it has been well dressed and covered with an elastic self...
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Am in Intensive Care in a Palma Cardiac Unit so will be off the map for a few days more. Difficult typing withball these bloody tubes. you at in good hands with the rest of the B&S ABER's
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Is the recent TV version of Sherlock Holmes worth a watch? Apparently the first season was on last yearand I don't live in UK so have missed it. Does this compare in any way to the fantastic series...
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I awoke at 3:30 in a cold sweat this morning because I heard a woman call my name, it wasn't my wife who was fast asleep beside me. It kind of freaked me out as this has never happened to me before,...
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Anyone got any ideas (other than the obvious) on how to remove dog hairs from clothes, especially fleece type clothing! I have tried; shaking it, brushing it, and hoovering it and now it's in the wash...
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http://www.dailymail....ed-kitten-python.html This is just plain evil....
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Have just discovered a possibly resident fox under our shed decking.....Any info would be appreciated....Do we just allow it/them to stay there?
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I was watching the I'm a Celeb end of show party thing last night and they showed all the evictions and the contestants showing up at the hotel afterwards. I noticed that when Fatima arrived at the...
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Think again ladies! http://www.dailymail....-cake-make-hairy.html...

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