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Hi wondered if anyone can help. Been trying to clean up my mp3 and so erased everything and now that i'm trying to put my songs back on via realplayer some of the songs will not transfer as it states...
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Today, I've had problems connecting to AOL. When signing in, it keeps stopping at connecting to the DSL, or something like that. Has anybody else had this trouble, or is it something wrong only with...
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If you do then what do you fear death most about it (the suffering, etc)?
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I was looking for something unusual for a name for a girl and came across Azrael which is hebrew... what's your thoughts on this name????
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Not sure where to post this but it seems as good a place as any. Today, like lots of others probably, I was working in the garden, and I had music playing in my living room. Because I was outside, I...
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unlimited amount of time, money, or even supernatural powers, what would you most like to do?
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my husband has moved out of our co owned home.leaving me with the 3 young children,can he make me sell? if not does he still have to pay his half of the mortgage? please answer before i blow up!
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Mr Tall
Can I dispute the ticket if the warder got the colour of my car wrong? My car is Navy blue and ticket has it as black.
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Can anyone tell me where the most hygenic place to have cat litter in the house... taking into consideration that I have a small child...???
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When in a warm room, if you switch a fan on it blows cool air and not warm air as you are in a warm room, why is this ???
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My four year old son has lived with my parents for the last 18mths whilst I re-located and found a suitable home (I was twice housed in properties which were damp and so deemed this unsuitable to move...
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we are trying for a baby but can anyone give me any advice on the best positions etc just basically anything i need 2 know..... thanks x
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I'm on a roll tonight -posting loads of goes. Is it accepable/unacceptable for full-time working parents to expect weekend evenings in front of the TV with a bottle of wine if...
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Recently certain usb hardware has been playing up. My printer and webcam are fine but my pendrive and digital camera lead wont work. When I plug them in I get a message 'one of the usb devices...
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my dell laptop has been switched off for weeks now and now it wont open at all???/ it says my password is wrong but it isnt cos i recently reset it to what it is now this is second time this has...
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If I put software disks in my CD-ROM drive, nothing happens. I use Windows XP, so I don't think there's a compatibility problem. I've tried clicking Start and going to Run.... etc but all it keeps...
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I know how nailpolish works incase you wanted to know!
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Is it morally wrong to kill someone who is "undead"?
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Is there a way of setting the compression level on Outlook Express 6 so that i can send good quality pictures without getting the blocking effect when the image is enlarged.
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How many British veterens of the Second World War are still alive today ?

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