Can anyone tell me - for a fact - whether the little red light in the bathroom with a string-pull attached, that turns on the heating for the shower, uses much electricty if left on when the shower is...
Does anyone know or have any idea if the dvd of night at the museum 2 and harry potter and the half blood prince will be released before september 15th?
Hi, does anyone know if i can get plans to print off for making a thatched dolls house cottage, if not if i can maybe find a book with instructions on how to make one. Thank you
Live now on news channels, bodies of the latest servicemen, 8 in all, killed in Afghanistan, being removed from the plane at RAF Lyneham. They selflessly gave their lives for us. How many more? Is it... itics/defence/5817729/Afghanistan-David-Miliba nd-claims-war-to-make-us-safer-in-UK.html In an interview with the British Forces Broadcasting Service at...
Dwafish, baggy skinned, boggley eyed, dracula fingered, sinister looking character in terribly dull film or much beloved alien in a classic 1980's (?) movie? Am I really the only person who was realy...
Can an employer make you work continuously for long periods of time with only the minimum breaks, and for how long? If we go by the maximum 48 hours a week which they can force you to do unless you...
In this day of equalities, how is it that the female of the species is not called upon to fight along side the male of the species, are the lives of males of less value? We see female fire-fighters,...
I had a conversation yesterday with an acquaintance who was quite upset. A close family member is quite poorly and the expectation is that he will die. This person lives in Australia. Jane would like...
Well, I presume we have all come across nickj1209? This is ABe'r that floods various categories with what are obviiously quiz/competition questions. Who never thanks/acknowledges any help/answers. Who...
Has to be Holly Golightly from Breakfast At Tiffany's. Holly is a complete and utter joy, from beginning to end. I could never get tired of watching Breakfast At Tiffany's, just for Audrey Hepburn's...
Karalystės įstatymus Lietuvos piliečiai su lietuvi?ku vairuotojo pa?ymėjimu Did?iojoje Britanijoje lengvaisiais automobiliais ir motociklais gali va?inėti trejus metus nuo to...