i got charged with harrasment, and its my firsy ever offence...what kind of sentence should i expect to receive?? its a ******* joke im innocent i even work as a probation officer myself what a...
does a probation officer have to declare any cautions they received for harrassment. my friends boyfriend received a caution for such because he was verbally attacking his ex girlfriend, he was...
I have been married to a man for 30 years. and only lived as a married woman for 2 years. we live in the same house. its a long story so I won,t bore you with it but he hates me and I hate him. The...
my brother was charged with harressment and is due to appear in magistrates court next week to be sentenced. The evidence was based in his mobile phone ( text messgaes) he is first time offender....
) A person who pursues a course of conduct in breach of section 1 is guilty of an offence. (2) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a...
my brother had his hearing today at the police station today. he has been charged with harressment 2.12 to his ex girfriend - evedence was text messages. He has been given a date to appear in...
Well its that time of the month again my brother has to go to the police station. he has been out on bail nearly 3 times now and the police can not make a decide what to do so they every time his date...
If someone is bailed three times and the police have not made any decesion on wether to charge him or not what can he or his solictor do to speed things up. Mason was due to go in police station 6...
I am 48 years old very attractive siz 8. I have been going out with a guy who is 48 also for the last 8 years, they were tough years I left him many times and we got back together again because I...
Arranged marriages are commonplace in other cultures, often being the normal way for people to meet their future husband or wife. In Britain however the practice is generally treated with suspicion,...
I dont love my mum and dad, I feel bad about this but they arranged my marriage 32 years ago, and the the marriage broke doen 20 years ago I have been on my own liveing in the same house as him but a...
I am trying to lose some weight but enjoy a drink. I am trying to cut lager out of my diet, is there a particular alcohol that is not fattening or are they all as bad?? Thanks guys.
My son was due to go in for hearing at the police station tomorrow, the police called his solicitor and told her that they have not finished investigation and have moved the date to two weeks 7/9/07....
A polish girl my son met asked him out on a date, she arrived in this country without any money or place to stay and with out a job, my 24 year old son British born took her in his flat and helped her...
My son was arressted and told he hit his ex- grl friend and harressed her by mobile phone. he is due to go in o the police station this week - to be charges. he is a first time offender, clean record....