The world would be a safer place without terrorism no doubt. But a report recently says there are over 1,000,000 militant Muslims and their offshoots...
Which is better PDC or BDO? I've been told the PDC is better but dont completely understand why if this is the case why don't all players play in it and not some?
just out of curiosity I wanted to know what the odds would be if I correctly guessed the exact scores of 15 football matches on an accumilator. The odds were something like over 12 billion to one...
just read in the news about a primary school cancelling their nativity play in case it offends the muslim students. Am I missing something here or this the most unbelievable thing I ever heard??...
Why have they not yet commissioned a manned flight and landing on Mars? They clearly have the technology and know how to do it? Also due to the atmosphere and composition Jupiter, could you physically...
I need some advice about what do and which option is best. I currently own a 2 bedroom flat that I could for about £190k. The mortgage I owe on it is £115,0000. I want to sell it and buy a...
I have come across a signed letter headed piece of paper from Manchester United Football Club showing the signatures of the full team who died in the Munich Air Crash..... It is in excellent condition...
I have started a new job, but am still working for my old employer as well on most evenings and weekends therefore have not got a P45. I know it may seem strange but cause of the work I do during the...
I have been asked to build a brick wall out the front of someone' house. when quoting, I know how to work out how much materials are needed to for job but would like to confirm that the quote will...
I was born via artificial insemination in july 1981. I know the my father was a doctor and I know which hospital the procedure was done. is there any chance of finding any records that would help me?
can anyone please tell me what would happen if you put petrol in a diesel engined car and started to drive it. what bad would the damage be? what would be the effects, how would it be fixed and a...
I was recently stopped on the road doing 80mph in a 30 zone. I have no insurance, tax or M.O.T. I passed my test 6 moths ago and bought a cheap car but could not afford to buy any of these things. I...