in a previous answer to a previous question re President Nixon "ouisch" stated that Warren G. Harding was the USA's worst president, what did he do (or didn't do) to deserve that accolade?
Has anyone ordered anything from novatech? I am considering buying a Desktop PC from them and would like to know if they are good or bad.
So what did everybody think of the a) nominees and b) the automatic entries and c) the system whereby only 1 from each decade goes in. Who do you think will win last night's selection.
Celebrities?, Is this the most used word in the English language?, If someone can name all the "Celebrities" in this programme, I'll eat my words, And what they're famous for of course
i always use a deodrant but still seem 2 sweat alot! it dusnt smell but means i cant wear certain tops without being embarresed, im 15, any1 got any ideas whats wrong?
Hello.. I was pulled over doing 89 mph on the M1 recently, got a ?60 fine and 3 points. I still have to produce my documents, I'm just wondering if I should surrender my licence. The Police chap asked...
I would not for one moment wish to minimise the dreadful circomstances of this onnocent man's dreadful death, or the suffering of his family, but why is the nation involved? I find the national...
I am going on a sponsored walk which i will be running in on the 19th of October i will be running it though like some othr people. I really wanna win and I am very fast but i can't last long because...