Sure I've asked b4, but forgot the reply. I've got an address book stored as a WKS file. In excel its gibberish and word even worse it converts into a zillion pages. What can I do to open it?
I want to print the letter A on an A4 sheet so that it fills the whole page. I would have thought that this was a simple task but I can't manage it. How do I do it?
My Fiance & I already have a house & beautiful things & don't want our family & friends to spend money on gifts we don't want next summer, we would much rather they gave us money to put towards a...
I like to use Microsoft Word to arrange photographs on a page when I intend to print them, but I get the impression that Word is reducing the resolution / quality of the images. Am I imagining this?
When you talk about something being written in the 'first person, 'second person' etc. What is the correct term for this? For example 'The story was written in the first person, therefore the ????? of...
My parents live next door to a couple who have 3 dogs who bark all day, is there a contraption you can buy which lets out a high pitched squeel only dogs can hear & quieten's them down?
just wondering how others' do it; Do you have many icons or few on your desktop? - i have many, about 60. Do you think an almost empty desktop looks pooey, or cool?
If chinese words are written in chinese characters, why are western spellings of them so difficult to deciper, e.g. Deng Xioping - why not spell his surname Shaoping?
I want to create a shortcut back to the desktop, to use in the sytem tray next to the start button. Righting clicking on the desk top and choosing New, then Shortcut, brings up a box (using windows...
Why is it that you ladies seem to love shopping? Every bloke I know will go into say a shoe shop pick up a pair of shoes, ask for them in his size try them on buy them and go home. You girls [no...
Anyone remember the old adverts for Venos cough mixture? It had a song that went something like 'he knows that she knows that he knows that she knows' something like that anyway. Anyone know who sung...
This is something which has been really bugging me. Ok, you hear people say the odds of a certain thing happening are next to infinite, like the odds of me winning the lottery for the next five weeks...