Has anyone been following this story about the 15 year old Kriss(not sure of his second name) that was abducted by 4 Asian guys and murdered.The trial news is in the Scottish newspapers every day and...
Ive recently split up with my fiance, finding it really hard and im sick of hearing all these sad love songs on the radio. In need of some songs that have good lryrics i can use to make myself feel...
dos any one think the murder in glasgow of the 15 year old boy by asians being kept quite by the press after all this is a racist murder carried out by five men if it was the other way round there...
I thought to myself with this latest problem of the veil what a great opportunity for the muslim council to say - ""OK girls, stop wearing the veil ,stick to the headscarf if...
i've read quite afew postings this morning concerning muslims,the copper ,the veil,one issue raises its head every time and usually not from the white point of view is that when some one critisizes a...
Just wondering from the comments on muslim veils, police officers and mosques below - does anyone on this board actually respects people of the Muslim faith? Or are you all Daily Mail readers?
'Evening, guys! I'm really just looking for your opinions, if you don't mind sharing? TIA xxx :o) I have a friend, she's in her mid-forties with her own family. She has recently started seeing a guy...
Can anyone suggest anything I can do with regards to panic attacks. I have suffered them for the past 6 years and suffer anxiety everyday of the week. I have been to see my GP countless times (im...
my ex girlfriend dumped me 5 months ago and i have been on holiday wirtth the lads since, but although i dont feel in love with her ( i am realising now why my family didnt take to her), I still think...
Just looked up what' Mobo awards' means. Music of black origin. I wonder what would happen if we had a Mowo award,ie Music of White origin. A Riot,probably.
at the end of school term i, like many parents end up with piles of our childrens schoolwork which take up a lot of storage space -is it the done thing to throw it away? or should all old schoolwork...
a guy friend of mine has just sent me (in jest) an email quoting the good wives guide from the 1950's.
Can anyone think of any good retorts for a good mans guide?
I am gonna have a rant here. Is any one else p1ssed off with the way its going with the Muslims at the moment, they are up in arms about what the pope said, although he seems to be right(churches...
Why is it that some people on AB refer to Daily Mail readers in a scarcastic and condescending manner? My parents get the DM and it is packed full of the latest news and has a great letters page. My...
Men at Work track. Down by the sea, probably about a girl losing her cherry on a beach. One line baffles me......
Yunnies in the wind.. What is a yunnie? Thanx