Are you prepared to allow the Government to bring in a law preventing the public from using their cameras or camcorders in public places? There is a petition you can sign if you deplore this...
Today I have received an e-mail saying my access is suspended with Halifax and to confirm my banking details by going to mem bin/formslogin.asp Is this a scam as I...
I work nights and usually get bored during the day. I am thinking about becoming an Avon rep to earn a bit more cash. Ive heard good and bad things about it. Is it a waste of time or shall i give it a...
hi all, didnt know where to put this so i put it here in the hope someone has had similiar barriers ? i am trying to trace a very old friend- i am in my late 20s now and the person in question was my...
Could we have a quick show of hands please? Could you state what you'd class your religion as, just out of curiosity? Just one liners, and if you practice or not
my company is about to be taken over, the new company are coming over to 'interview' us all - which i have been told is more like a 'chat' this is with a proper personell person. For the last 5 years...
Is it ok to pay money into the bank that is all coins. I have ?420 in ?1 coins, 50p,20p,10p and 5p. Most of it is ?1 coins and 50p's. Will my bank take these off me, to pay into an account not to...
Hi im wanting to have my top lip pierced but my tattooest wont do it as he says it bleeds to much so refuses to pierce there, has anyone had this done and what happened? I have a few piercings, ears,...
Following on from some of the gay references on here, there's a guy at work who talks very effeminately, and is always 'touching' people (both men and women), or coming up behind people and rubbing...
Christian friends won't read Harry Potter because their church minister has told them it's all about witchcraft, it's evil and it may lead them astray. What's your view?
I went to a very religious school, where it was rammed down your throat every day. (evangelical) This tended to make people either conform or rebel, hence I grew up detesting all forms of religion. As...
is it possible for a child in secondary school to move to a school in a NEIGHBOURING borough where he has friends, to avoid racial harrassment - (the school have been unable to prevent or stop it)
Apologies now if people are squeamish when they watch the following video. I felt i needed to put this in this category to maximise the amount of people to see it. I cant believe this sort of thing is...
Dear all Do you know of any websites that could tell me sales of a new release book in the UK? It's been out for a month or so, was written by my brother (quite proud!) and is doing really well. But...
How do you do it? There are various ways.... if we all converse on the subject we could all learn ways to deal with every situation we could ever be put in! The Water Cooler sales person: - I say...