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I had a flu jab ( as I'm asthmatic) 10 years ago and got really bad flu as a result- the worst I have ever had. The cough that I got that year still comes back to haunt me every year. I haven't had a...
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I want to open two images and use the clone tool. However when I try and open the second image, it just goes over the top of the first one and I can't see it or access it anymore! Any ideas how I can...
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I've had the cold/flu thing the past week and a half, and today I have a red painful raised patch on the roof of my mouth, towards the right back. I am coughing up solid yellow stuff, am asthmatic and...
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Years ago I bought some mambo sandals. They were amazing in that they moulded to the shape of your foot- the sole of your foot. The sole must have been made of some material which was magic- when...
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What is the best site for looking up deaths? There seem to be so many now that I am confused/ I don't want to pay unless I have to- jst want to check to see if someone I used to know has died or not!...
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I need to send a large video file (2.5 GB) and need a way to do this. Drop Box has been suggested but I tried this once before and ended up in a real mess, and when I deleted it I ended up with two of...
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There is a very eccentric cab driver I use who always tells very far fetched stories about what is happening in his life. Thing is, they are always borderline believable! I wondered about his recent...
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I'm desperately trying to rip movies from a DVD (home movies) and import them into Premiere CS3 so I can edit them down and put them on YouTube. I have bought Nero which I can't get to work (the files...
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My mortgage has gone out today and it has risen by £80 since last month!! I haven't had any paperwork from them regarding this, but they write to my old address so I don't know what's going on....
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When I log into Firefox it shows every single page I have visited the previous day, in big, on the screen. Any idea how I can stop this? At the moment I am deleting them one by one. It gives you the...
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I had a tiny black creature on me- like a tiuny black line, around 2mm long and just like a black line you had accidentally drawn on yourself with a thin pen. I went to get it and it flipped itself...
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I'm thinking about getting a slow cooker as I would like to eat more lean red meat but am not sure of any good recipes, or in fact, anything about them! Do you use one and what recipe would you...
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I've been having a lot of problems today with my PC and stupid Babylon getting in everywhere. I've tried hard to get rid of it. Now I noticed an icon on the bottom right of my screen and it is a AMD...
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Babylon has glued itself to my computer after I downloaded a video file converting program- converterlite. I've looked online to try and remove it. I have uninstalled program from the list. I have...
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I can't put it off any longer, I have to try these for longer than 2 days. I found that even when I took one (smallest dose) at 7pm the night before, by day 2 I was like a zombie and could barely see...
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I was reading about the medicinal cannabis which is now available to those with MS- as a spray under the tongue, it helps with pain without getting you high or having to smoke. I have had no luck with...
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I ad some unsuccessful bulbs planted in a small pot in the kitchen. They died, I think and when I picked up the pot to throw it away, lots of tiny flies were on the soil. Yuck! Any idea why this...
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I need some decent PC speakers which don't take up too much space. Any thoughts on good ones? I currently have Mercury MS-440 but can't find these ancient ones online to find out what power they are....
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I have auto-immune arthritis, caused by ulcerative colitis. Since the weather went hot, I have been really struggling. My ankles and knees feel like they are about to give way all the time and often...
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I have nobody to ask! I was discussing this with my friend. I think that people especially children were healthier back then- no TV, computer games, no processed food etc. What do you think?

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