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My teeth are starting to look distinctily grubby. I put this down to age. My dentist is an NHS one, who will do only the minimum when you visit him. I want to give my teeth a makeover- or at least a...
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My sister's boy has his 9th birthday this week. She wants to hire a great film for him and his mates to watch. It doesn't have to be a new film- they have seen the usual Harry potter/James Bond stuff...
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My friend is always moaning that since the room she works in is cold, she has to put on lots of layers, or she will catch a cold. I think that you can only catch a cold from breathing in someone...
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I have just bought a Smoothie maker, and whilst the instructions tell you how to assemble it, theu don't tell you how to cut up the fruit! How small do the bits have to be, and do you have to peel...
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I have just had an awful realisation that I haven't declared a load of money I received. It was "Access to Work" money that I get - help towards the costs of taxis to work when my A.S is so bad that i...
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Aaaargggh. I have had really bad tonsillitis, and now my ears are totally blocked up! I am deaf! I can't get them to unblock. I have tried holding my nose and blowing but nothing happens. HELP!
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What does it mean if something is NOT "means tested"? Thanks!
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My index and little fingers are twitching all the time, flickering. I think this may be something to do with over use of the mouse. Are there any other types of mouse you know about where the hand can...
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I haven't been on holiday (ie- abroad, sun etc) in 15 years. I am thinking I would really benefit from a weeks holiday to recharge, escape from mundane life and be away from the phone/ PC / TV for a...
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No, not for me, for my sister's new bloke. He had it done in 1991- so a LONG time ago. What are the chances of a reversal working? Have you heard of it ever working?
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In your opinion, which is the best supermarket? Asda? Morrisons? Waitrose? Sainsbury's? Tesco? Why?
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For several months I have had fluttering and titching sensation in my muscles. My left arm and hand has felt throbbing and numb, and shaky. I get the fluttering mainly at 5-6am when I am still in bed-...
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How many of you are actually doing the job you always wanted to? Or have you ended up taking a job because it was convenient hours, good money, in the right place, a way purely to earn money? I feel...
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I have a Yamaha (piano) keyboard which is about 10 years old. Last night it was plugged in and turned on, and sudddenly this HORRENDOUS ROAR came from it- it sounded like very very distorted music...
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Is there an easy way to convert wma files to mp3s? Al the songs I have bought from Napster end up as WMAs which are no good to man nor beast. Help!
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In the past 3 days I have lost/mislaid my diary and my really important work folder. The thing is, it is REALLY unlike me to ever lose anything. I worked at 3 schools yesterday and cannot for the life...
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My Panasonic has died, so I need to buy a new one. Could anyone recommend one?! Have no idea how much to spend or what brand to buy. I don't need anything fancy, just ability to record from TV to DVD....
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I have a load of old floppy discs and when I put them in the drive, a message comes up saying "this disc has not been formatted. Do you want to format it now?" What does this mean? And what happens if...
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I live in Dorset and we NEVER get any snow. Maybe a flurry of sleet that doesn't settle. Every year. Where do you live and have you had snow yet ?

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