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I have a strange thing for micheal palin. i know hes old and i would never tell any1 in real life, but i do. Does any one else haev secret crushes on people they'd never admit to?
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Why do I want to know about my girlfriends previous boyfriends? I mean, I know I mightn't want to know, but I still think about it. I know she'd tell me about them but I don't want to ask....
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Does anyone know any. Thanks
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For the past 6 months i have had red blotches on either side of my nose nowhere else and have tried countless moisturisers, e45, and god knows what else, any suggestions?
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My 13 year old son is underweight. He is about 5'8 tall but so very thin. He eats everything I put in front of him and more but is always on the go. Finding it hard to buy him jeans that fit properly,...
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Does anyone know whether i can eat quorn on the GI diet? And if so can i eat it freely and in any format? I know most protein is "green light" food but as a vegetarian chicken and other meats are no...
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how can you make sure that as a woman you smell good "down there"?
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i have just finished the last bottle of the actimal 2 weeks challange, and its done stuff all to me!!  i just wondered if anyone else ut there has tried it and do u feels good about ur self like...
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My friend Keith says that his voice is often far deeper, and he can reach lower tones in the morning after having gone out for a long time (including drinking). Why? How?
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How can you find out what the moon rising for your horoscope is?
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i was wondering, is there any types or an actual food that makes you feel good, gives you the feel food factor as people might call it. in the evening, usually about 8 i start to feel a bit low, and...
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Please dont laugh, I know how stupid this sounds but I'm absolutely terrified of dying. It's worse at night, I cant just go to sleep, I have to read till I fall asleep. I dont just worry, if I dont...
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I have just opened a tin of sweetcorn and found A SPIDER in it! I can't believe, it's so sickening! What shall I do? I doubt i'd be satusfied with just an apology and exchange, what would...
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i have a bean bag thing that u put in the microwave for 2 mins whenever u have a stomach ache ect, and then u put the heated bean bag and hey presto, 5 mins later the pain has gone, how does this work...
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anyone with experiences of sleep paralysis and obe?
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If you are in a posh restaurant and a bit of food tasted horrid would you spit or swallow well it's not the done thing to spit! Is it?
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My 2 year old son has bad eczema on his arms.  The doctor has told me to put him on an E number free diet.  I am confused.  Do E numbers have to be listed on the ingrediants or can they...
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what could this be a sign of in a healthy teenager
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is there any eye excersies, foods eyedrops etc. that can help improve eyesight?
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does anybody have any safe weight loss tips regarding healthy eating and exercise? just like good foods to eat, good methods of exercise etc, any help would be great

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