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ages ago i was told i had a lot of various food intolerances... these largely resulted in me having irritable bowel syndrome after various foods... mainly dairy, yeast, formaldehyde. i also have...
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what are ur views on this obesity 16 stone,,,5.7 " bmi is weight makes me severely depressed and i see this surgery as a life changing situation......i would...
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Is it possible to be on Disability Living Allowance and still work part time?
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This has probably been asked a million times before...but how are you supposed to handle it when your partner tells you they are not 'IN' love with you....My boyfriend of 4 years just told me he loves...
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Apparently Marks and Spencers are going to be selling a engagement ring with matching wedding ring for ?18 each,you fancy one???
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What do you win if you get 3 numbers right?!
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how can i find out who is calling me 3 times a day? i have the number which is in birmingham.
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Got terrible indigestion, blinkin painful, only got that since i grew older,various veins,muscles aches,skin tags what other pleasures await???
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My 8 month old daughter has slow gastric motility (SGM) and reflux but she is beginning to grow out of it all (I hope) She's a lot less sick anyway. Except for when she has any kind of dairy. She has...
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My son has not left school yet and has got an interview with a college for a place on a course. What kind of questions is he expected to answer and what should be prepare for in advance. Any tips...
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Do they count towards "5 a day"?
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If there is only one applicant for a particular job, do they get it without being called for an interview?
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I recently posted about fear of going to the dentist but really need to go with problems of my teeth..... this morning as i was brushing my teeth,,,,, another piece of another tooth chipped off. im...
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If you find yourself out of work, without any savings or redundancy payment, but with equity on your house, would you be entitled to any benefits or would you be expected to sell your house?
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i want to block someone from seeing how much money i make on things i sell on ebay causes she is just so nosey and asks questions all the time . Iknow i can block her from bidding on my stuff but how...
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Miss Chief
Hi Last night, for the first time in about 2 years, I had half a joint - I then remembered that I'm having a tooth out under sedation in about 10 days - I checked the leaflet which the clinic sent...
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I would like to add some groovy fonts to my PC but can't find any instructions that actually work with Windows XP. Any ideas? Thanks
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Apparently there is a link between people who live in hard water areas and eczema. I have just moved from a soft to a hard water area and mine has got much worse since moving. Do you know how much it...
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Hi, For a while now I have a tinges at the bottom of my back/top of my bum. If i lie flat on a hard surface I can feel the bottom of my back grating. The pain is mostly on the lft hand side. Does...
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I am renting out my house and the tenant has just been made redundant. He has only been there less than a month! I know he is obliged to pay the 6th months, and has a guarantor, but is he allowed to...

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