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My friend told me that his close mate somehow managed to convince a lesbian to sleep with him. Can this really happen ? is it possible to have a one night stand with lesbian ?
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I am a very heavy drinker (About 3 bottles of spirits a week, usually drunk neat) But I never have any negative symptoms. No hangover or tiredness. Nothing aparrently wrong with my liver and generally...
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I have noticed at night that I feel like I am "fluttering" inside. Not my heart as such, but my hands and legs. This is a weird feeing and not very nice. It's not a muscular thing, it seems to come...
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A few years ago it was smokers who were targeted as not being allowed teatment on the NHS, now it's the overweight! Which group will it be next? All these people, whether they are smokers or...
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does anyone know of any easy healthy quick recipes
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Given that the world is not exactly short of people and that the NHS is creaking under the strain, should the NHS be funding non essential treatmeant at all? I sympathise with infertile couples but...
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walking to my car today when a group of what only could be described as brats on skateboards went flying past this elderly man on the pavement and shunted him causing him to drop his shopping which...
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what is the name of the song glyn woz singin when he woz leaving the house? it woz also used in hes best bits xx
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some very trivial questions on here tonight, so i thought i would post a serious one, when you are dunking a biccie you leave it in too long and it melts do you try and rescue it with your fingers?...
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Out of interest, has anyone ever clicked on the sponsored link by Experian that offers to show you your credit record for free? Is there a catch, and was it helpful?
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Are you a polite or ignorant person?
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Been working 6-5 all week and feel a bit tired in the afternoon..anyone got any ideas for a quick pick-me-up(not too filling )? Would nuts or something like help? Or should i start with a pick up in...
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At the moment im on a diet which consists entirely of basmati rice, cherry tomatos, peppers, chillis, tinned tuna, macrel and sardines and chicken breasts, onions, mince, shredded wheat, milk, lots of...
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jakey flakey
if i was hungry and wanted something to eat would jam be healthy?!
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hi i was just reading some posts, mostly in Body and Soul hence why im posting here, but why does everyone seem to know eachother? all this talking about each other and the like, im rather confused,...
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evening all!! why do you really have the munchies somedays and others you're just normal?? Since about 5pm I feel like I've never stopped eating and I still want far I've had my tea...
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How can I find out what Pentium and how many GB my computer has? Thanks!
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Hi there Just wondered if anyone out here has done the fasionable 'downshifting' thing and what are your experiences? Apparently it is coined "Voluntary simplicity" and NOT poverty. So anyone done it,...
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why is it that even the simplest of questions posted on here can get into arguments with rival Ab'ers....... in the beginning when i found this site, it was great, you wanted a question answered and 9...
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My brother in law who is a gardener has a terrible skin complaint on his hands. he has tried all the creams from the doctor, but to no joy. The skin is itchy and he has calluses on his fingers. Does...

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