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Where is Brazil v Turkey friendly on Tuesday 5th June being played?
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Doc Spock
I love kids, I have 2 myself, grown up now, be honest you ladies who is feeling broody?
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Going on a long haul flight soon and wonder if anyone can recommend anything that's strong and actually works? I have tried valluim before but it seems to have the opposite effect on me. Thanks in...
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AB Asks
Some teenage mothers will be assigned an NHS minder to help them 'cope' until their baby is two. A trial of the scheme will see visits to teenage mothers in deprived areas. Health visitors or midwives...
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Have you all had an ace Easter?
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Did anybody else watch mel gibsons, last temptation of Christ last night, sorry if title is wrong-i was absolutely glued to the tv,but felt that the scurging was really toe curlingly uncomfortable...
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Todays Daily Telegraph; "There may have been more to this agreement. An Iranian diplomat kidnapped in Baghdad two months ago - apparently by Iraqi security forces - was freed and returned to Teheran...
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AB Asks
Toddlers who spend more than three days in nursery each week are more likely to grow up and be antisocial, according to government research. However it also found that spending more time away from the...
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i have had a massive row today with my ex boyfriend .really think i hate men now think i will be better staying single for rest of my life . was with him nearly 18 years glad i never got married ....
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Hi all just got a new puppy yesterday,shes a white german shep.We cannot think of a name,ive searched the net and racked my brains and nothing fits.I want somthing cool and unusual to do with films or...
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I'd like to lose 6 pounds but i don't want to go through the whole exercising routine as no1 i can't be bothered and no2 i hate exercising and i can never motivate myself to do it. Is there any way...
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AB Asks
A health economist has proposed that doctors' pay should be slashed if they do not meet targets. Alan Maynard, professor of health economics at York University, also suggested reducing doctors'...
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Who would frighten you more, Deborah Meaden or Anne Robinson?
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I've heard your bizarre replies before saying age is just a number, but tonight, yet again I've had to go and collect my daughter off a complete stranger because her 41 year old bf (she's 18) has...
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Ok my son wants one thing in life and thats to join the army.Ive always encouraged my kids to do their own thing, and would never stand in their way .But all my close friends,who obviously have known...
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My best friend had a baby and I (being the spoilt brat that I am) hated the attention being taken away from me. I had always been centre of attention. When she told me the baby was Downs I shouted...
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AB Asks
Supporters of the super-casino are facing the possibility of a rebellion against the proposal when it is discussed in parliament today. Both Labour and Conservative MPs are rumoured to be intent on...
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Haley Joel Osment , Sissy Spacek , or Linda Blair ? Or someone else ? for me it's Haley Joel Osment , just cant watch him without the light on !
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i want to know what type of jobs 14 yrs can allpy for??
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lat january i found out my fella was seeing someone behind my back and i move out of the house. After living at my mums for 8 months we got back together. I am currently 3 months pregnant and last...

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