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The original Roman fortress at Usk (Burrium) in Gwent was abandoned due to regular flooding, and replaced with Isca Silurum at Caerleon. Could this flooding have been due to the Severn bore ? Any...
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Any suggestions would be most welcome.
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When are the birds going to come back to my garden ? Heaven knows, I put out enough food for them. I used to have about 40 resident sparrows. Come back, all is forgiven.
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Yes the good lady is due to leave hospital today after the poor soul had been suffering from flu. I`m sure you will all want to wish her a speedy recovery....
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It is suggested that an Anglo French army shoild be formed . http://www.telegraph....good-for-Britain.html In the event of a war outside Europe who would you prefer to fight with the French or the...
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Regularly, I read that the tides average 9 or10 metres twice per day at Cardiff, in the Severn estuary. Can't all the energy generated by these tides be harnessed and fed into the national grid ?
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anotheoldgit Will most new parents follow the popular trend and call their new baby Mohammed? What if it's a girl, what then?...
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Watching that Michael Wood history of Kibworth last night, it struck me if the Black Death/Bubonic plague was SO virulent, how did mine (and your) ancestors avoid it?
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A speed camera caught me doing a reprehensible 35 mph in a 30mph zone, in heavy following traffic. It appears that I can avoid the 3 penalty points and £60 fine if I attend a 'Speed Awareness...
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why is the double decker bus always used when comparing size, volume, length etc
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anotheoldgit They have listed the first 20 so far, but I find it incredible that they have not included the most important events of all. That is the beginnings of the settlement of the...
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We read that a pre-Norman hospital site has been found...possibly 10th. century. This is reported as the earliest evidence of such a structure in the UK. I beg to differ. In the huge legionary Roman...
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I read in this morning's paper that we still have 20000 troops stationed in Germany and with their families it increases to 34000. Presumably other countries (US, France and Russia) also have troops...
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At what stage was the rank of Brigadier-General dropped and replaced with the rank of Brigadier -at least in the British army ? Previously Brig. Generals were knighted as a routine ; was this honour...
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I'm researching the various reasons why 2.5 million young men volunteered to fight in WW1. One major influence was how and what they were taught at school in (say) about 1905 thru 1910 - very...
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anotheoldgit 'No such thing as rape within marriage', well that is according to this Extreme/moderate, (what the hell take your pick), Muslim. Agree or disagree?...
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It's always intrigued me why we don't mark this huge turning point in our nation's history. What better excuse is there to dress up, wave flags and weapons, and celebrate the English love of...
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Toward the end of the Lloyds Bank advert, featuring some cute little Pinnochio characters there is a pedestrian out walking with a strange animal on a lead. What is it ? My guess is that it is a...
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Should HGV's be consigned to just the inner lane? Except of course when it widens to 4 lanes.
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St. George and the dragon / the Lambton Worm - do these myths have the same foundation, or are they each unique ?

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