Are anti depressants a modern day con? Apart from myself I know many people who are prescribed these meds (inc friends who have committed suicide in the past). Ive been on meds for over 3 years and am...
...but three weeks ago my hubby told me about a white bird he had seen on the fence. He described it as white with dark speckles, he got out the field handbook "Birds of Britain and Europe", but could...
Today on the TV game show '1000 Heartbeats', a lady stated that she took part in a annual Scrabble tournament. Apparently it starts on a Saturday afternoon and continues through the night until Sunday...
Question mainly for theists (atheists welcome to comment though) as a study shows that religious folk are prepared to take risks... Do you take risks as you believe that God will be right behind you?...
Please can you help - no number of letters given 2. Twin chocolate bar 4. Cooking utensil 13. Small price to pay for something distant 15. Message sent also takes passengers 18. Early morning keep fit...
I know everybody has to find the balance of circumstances between money, time and fresh food's availablity, and there's a limit to most peoples' choices. Even so, reading this today - and apologies,... Is it important to you when buying tinned tuna to know it was pole and line caught (one at a time by...
What questions could not be answered by asking on AB? Apart from the obvious (why can't we tickle ourselves? What do women REALLY want? What's that lipstick doing on your collar?) what questions...
Will East Northants Council give approval for Forest Holidays (founded by the dreadful Forestry Commission) to destroy Fineshade Woods by building seventy holiday cabins in this beautiful woodland. I...
We have 19 days to go before moving day. All stays in hotels, removal van, channel crossings etc. are booked and I have been gradually clearing cupboards, the sideboard etc. without too much sense of...
`Lets face it Religion brings nothing into humanity apart from war and is only used as a power of control and money. What will actually be the final straw when these old books are merely just a joke...
...or 999 in your case. This is the first time that I've heard these announcements over the radio. We are being asked to phone 411 if we encounter people in "precarious" situations: street people...
I've recently been getting indigestion (for the past week or so) and I can't for the life of me get shut of it. Apart from that death sandwich I had the other day, I don't eat too bad and certainly...
I have just been phoned by a company which I found out was called Legal Services after doing 1471. The number was 01756 459030 The dialling code is for Skipton North Yorkshire. The young lady on the...