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We have a Curly Coat, nearly a year now, and while we've had no problems with bloat, I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has - type of dog, what feeding programme, etc. We've been careful to...
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Hello again from Queen Christiana, the Cheerful One. To continue the ‘saga’; in due course, along came husband, three sons and an obstinate English bull terrier called Basher. That was in...
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There is one guy, he is football player, he looks stronger than me. By the way, never saw him shirtless, and i do not expect it. But I think he got muscular abs. Idk why but i want to check it, and...
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The weekend has arrived. It's an hour longer this time. don't forget to go through the useless ritual of altering all your clocks and watches, including the one in the car. Have a good weekend...
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Good morning everyone from what is becoming a rather damp afternoon down here in Oz, though we've finally had some lovely Spring weather just lately - it's breaking us in gently before the really hot...
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but bored with my food! Now where could I get a mango?
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was on here last night and again this morning, it was great to see her name, I wish estie was posting again, I miss her level headedness. I keep missing bob too, but the site needs these people back....
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Last one to get 10a A long Mexican scarf covering the head and shoulders [6] I have -e-o-o and no ideas - help please.
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Monday again. Another week begins. doesn't time fly when you're having fun :-) Have a good day everyone. Too late dixie. I've had mine▼▼▼...
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Today's results will be delayed a little this morning - I am currently about to be poked and prodded by my doctor and following that I shall post all the info as soon as I can....sorry about that,...
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Good morning everyone - and thank you Elspeth, for the kind thoughts. I have to go in tomorrow for a swine flu shot and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will have no nasty reactions - but better...
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Good morning again from Christiana, the Cheerful One. It’s Week 3 of my reign and I’m hoping I’ve got you all smiling, if not over the choice of link words, then at least at the more...
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It's the weekend and the sun is going to shine! Have a good day everyone.
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Good morning everyone - time to put on our thinking caps ready for today's contest. As usual, the month is passing swiftly and about now, someone makes a bold move for the lead [ well, that's if Kate...
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Nearly the weekend again. we are away early to day, going to see mrs. W's sister. Have a good day everyone....
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Good morning everyone - looks like it was one of THOSE weekends again, when we had more choices than we could cope with in spite of there being no "curly" ones. I was pleasantly surprised to...
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It's Monday and the sun is going to climb into a cloudless sky. Why couldn't it be doing this from March to now? Oh well, better late than never. Enjoy Monday everyone.
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Good morning everyone, I hope you're all well and ready to attack today's game - I fear crofter may not be with us until later, having celebrated an important milestone yesterday, perhaps a little too...
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Welcome to the second week of links set by me, Christiana, the Cheerful One, otherwise known as Her Cheerfulness. I hope my choices this week will result in more points scored and therefore more...
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The sun is cimbing up the back of the hill and is about to rise into a cloudless sky. that'll do for me! Have a good day everyone.

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