The local government official numpty of the year award for 2013 so far. Just unbelievable.......and he was saying that lunch time that he was not...
I purchased an ipad and a couple of days later it broke down on me, the shop is going to give me a replacement, but what I need to know is if they repair it will they be able to have access to my...
I've been invited to the afters of a wedding by a workmate. What I need to know is what do you buy a "casual" friend/workmate for a wedding present?
I was thinking of just giving a £50 voucher....
China Doll is an very frank and logical person I have ever come across, without asking he/she answered many of my questions and I'd just like to give thanks for people like ChinaDoll xx thank you...
Right or wrong? Whilst the school’s website states that it will “respect the religious beliefs and practice of all staff, pupils and parents”, the covering of a child’s head is not a religious...
I have not received my ebay order,it was posted on the 26th Nov, according to the seller it should take 7-14 working days for me to receive it. I've been in touch with the seller but have not heard...
Pulled out of the cul-de-sac and on to the road. Another 100 yards to the main road. (Main for us but still quite minor) 20 yards and heard the siren of a police car. Pulled over, I thought he just...
Max Clifford, has denied claims by the former royal butler Paul Burrell that he breached his confidentiality by passing personal details about him to the NOTW. Regardless of if they are true or not,...
thinks I'm shallow, I'm 16 he's 17 we're together almost a year. I like to go out with my friends,but he dosnt like me going out with my friends, even if I call into a mates houses he's waiting at my...
Why is it that it's mostly male pedophiles who are highlighted in the news? where-as there are just as many female child sex abusers. Why don't they get as much news coverage?