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Guys, As you might know Japan has recently launched a satellite for monitoring CO2 levels..... By that practise, will it be possible to create a device sort of thing that when placed at strategic...
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Guys, Your views on switching to vehicles running on electricity from vehicles running on fuel as a move towards cleaner environment......since electricity is inturn produced from fossil fuels........
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guys, I read a recent article somewhere on net that stated thus "Possibility of an Ice Free Arctic this summer is very high"... How plausible this scenario is?
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had the chance to read Philipe Claudel's Grey Souls....was very touching......the story portrays a myriad of emotions through its characters......
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AnswerBank can organise Eco-Update sort of programme.....
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guys wat do u think....i think it is high time for us to start a greenest revolution across the whole we're on the pen ultimate stage where we can still our environment??????
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guys,heard about the great trojan horse battle fought which is connected with greek mythology....share ur thoughts on that...
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guys share ur thoughts on it...
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C Dadson
Describe the environment. What is the built environment.
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guys, I am from India....can we form a "egreeneducation" group so that we can share our thoughts and other related awareness program online.....
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Which painter painted 'The Watering Place' - he was born early 19th century.
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lil emo hobo
does anyone know any beautiful poems about the ocean beacause i would really like to put a couple of lines onto my art coursework, so if you could make a few recomendations, i would be extremely...
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If man IS responsible for global warming, then what caused the global warming that ended the last ice age 10,000 years ago?? This was thousands of years before the invention of the internal combustion...
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by the year 2100, how much do scientists believe the earth will warm by ?

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