anyone know if insurance companies for car insurance allow payment at a post office or bank? have been told by a friend that they are all credit/debit card or direct debit but i havent got the...
Tricky one this! How would you describe the taste of alcoholic drinks to tee-totals that have never tasted it. I'm talking really about lager, guiness, and spirits such as vodka & whiskey. A...
there is an event which requires a lot of physical activity and overall stuff that would be more enjoyable if I did not have my monthly period, it's in July, and my period is scheduled to start the...
I remember as a little girl a series of books about a girl who had 2 horses and the adventures she got upto with them, gymkhanas etc.....does anyone know who the author was and if they are still...
We had a bit of a ''cafuffle" maybe with our dog, and we now think she is pregnant by the dog over the road. She's a 2 year old German Shepherd, and has already had pups, but before we owned her....
Is it possible to have two seperate policies for two seperate cars, both in my name, with neither affecting the other? I have a policy for my own car, with six years no claims on it. My partner, a new...
A friend of mine had a current account with a well know bank with an overdraft facility, and payment protection. He was involved in a serious motorbike accident and was in a coma for 2...
Call me dimwitted but what is (was?) one exactly and how did they work?? I heard it talked about twice this week, then Geldolf was reading one last night. Come to think of it isn't it in...
Fruit juice such as orange juice often claims to be 100% from concentrate. What does this mean? Does it mean that it's pure and straight from the fruit with nothing added? Are all juice drinks...
My eyes keep itching really badly, to the extent that I rub them so much it hurts. The only thing that seems to help is washing my face with cold water, although this doesn't stop it completely. I've...
I am of that age where I am going to have to seriously start thinking about babies IF I am going to have them. The thing is, I have been single for years, and I don't have any maternal urges! My...
My baby is two weeks old and something really came up and I can't pump out all the milk he needs in short notice can i give him formula and will he take it???
Can anyone give me some tips for helping my 17 year old son and my lovely partner get on. We have been together for 18 months and marry in 6 weeks. The relationship between my son and my partner has...
as you probably remember i answered a post for prickly heat as i suffer from it and the last time was seriouse..with me on antibiotics etc..and i remember you also said you get do you cope...
What advice would you give me and my hubbie before we embark on the next phase of our lives - having kids...? Any ideas from parents would be much appreciated...
I didn't get round to harvesting all the potatoes I grew last year and these are now growing. (Can't remember the variety.) Will these produce a decent edible crop this year? ...
This should get you all chatting. What money saving tips can you pass on to all us ABer's. I will start you off with: Don't spend money on expensive dishwasher cleaner use a good dollop of vinegar to...
Is it better to have/be a single child or not? I am one of three and wouldn't have it any other way, but my husband and his brother barely talk. My father hated being an only child. What are your...