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Has anyone ever come across a painting holiday in the UK aimed at children? Thanks.
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Does anyone know where I can buy a blue school blazer for my apparently very long armed son? He is only fouteen, but a 44L desn't fit him in the arms....he needs about another inch....please...
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on a roll
does anyone know how to make chinese chicken
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Anyone know where I can purchase a key finder which is activated by using your mobile phone? My father says that he saw one advertised in The Telegraph a few months ago
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My son gave me his "old" mob phone. It`s Orange payg. I put in on average ?20 pm & use it mostly for txts. It`s locked to orange & unfortunatle my son can not remember any of the security no or pword...
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Does anyone know where I can purchase a bathroom stool-***-laundry box. I want one of the old fashion wooden ones, white painted with a cork seat. For any help thanks
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my bf mentioned a little while ago that he'd quite like something from me that he can wear around his neck, but something that means something rather than just any old thing. it would go on a black...
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I have want a samsung D900 with 200mins and 500 texts, I'm paying ?30 at tho mo but have seen a deal on virgin for ?25. The question is how reliable is the network regarding coverage and stuff. TIA x
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have you got any funny quotes to put in a wedding card .. if so please let me have them
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Hi does anyone know where you can obtain free perfume samples online? I'm not being tight or anything, I just thought they are a good idea to take on holiday instead of taking a full great big bottle.
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Hi, can a code be found for vauxhall radios as with many fords on here ? Thanks
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is there a site where you can download good quality soundfiles from film and tv?
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I want to get someone a phone charger that they can use on the go. A car charger would be a bit pointless as they dont have a car. I remember my friend having some keyring that charged up her phone....
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i have taken a really good photograph of my sisters country cottage is it possible to have it madse into a jigsaw puzzle if so where does this and does it cost a fortune.Has anyone done this and is it...
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unique123 looking into to buying some womens gucci sunglasses...does any one know any sites that sell genuine gucci sunglasses for 100-150 pound or less! thanks!!x
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anybody know where i can buy a charger for a tom tom one ? dont really want to pay out for a genuine one ,just one that works and is safe .preferably on the high street not ebay. thanks ,if you can...
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Hi there, I know a few people have asked questions of the same subject...but none have really answered my question. Im looking to buy an in-car stereo for my boyfriend. He wants something that will...
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Can anyone recommend any good recipes for a medium hot chicken based curry?? My husband want to try and make one from scratch. Thank-you
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does anyone know a website that sells 'cheaper' ghd hairstraightners?
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hiya every1 !! ::) does anyone know where i can find a pair of womens flat brown sequin shoes like dolly shoes ?? please help me ??? thanks xxxxx

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