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is it just me or has coke's taste recently changed? it now tastes way more syruppy and has a stronger caramel ting to it. In fact, it tastes much like the us version which is made with corn...
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Hi, i finish college this year and need to be accepting and declining my university offers. I need to put one as my firm choice and a second as an insurance choice(If you get the grades for your firm...
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I'm currently studying for my AS levels, doing fine, I have 2 part time jobs, and my parents want me to drop one to concentrate more on my studies. One is 4.31/hr and half a day, the other is 4.70/hr...
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qualifications required for air stewardess
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This may not be in the right section but here goes.... When and where have buildings / bridges / landmarks etc been build which didnt work? e.g. a bridge that was made but was actually too low, or a...
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here in the states, i dont get to drink any british imported bottled brands..only french, japanese and german labels, water is water..but its where its imported from is my main concern
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I'll try and describe this in the best possible way... For a cumalative last 8 years i have worked for the same company. I worked there when i was at school, college and carried on their...
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Im thinking of getting a new laptop as my old one is on its way out... what would anyone recommend? Just need one with lots of memory and thats not too expensive... thanks!
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paul 1
they say this is good for you, is it? if yes if you drink to much on a daily basis can that be harmful, then what is the recommeded daily in take?
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can a person under 16 buy red bull?
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any 1 know of any good pie and mash shops in london please
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Does anyone know where the surname 'Goodrick' originated and what it means??
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Has anyone ever found the 10? note inside a pack of Polo mints??? Just
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What a levels do I need to study a sports science degree?
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I like to drink red bull every now and then but was reading the ingred the other day and saw taurine. I know its ment to be good for you just wondered if anyone knows.

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