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anotheoldgit But just to highlight the fact that they are not just picking on Islam they announce...
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What song do you really like that is out of your normal comfort zone style wise? Mine is this
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ToraToraTora Good to see the MSPs are not wasting their time on trivia!...
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Should a fuss be made about this tattoo ? //Lucy Cope, who founded group Mothers Against Guns after her son was shot dead in 2012, said Sterling should not play...
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I changed my avatar today to both my doggos, not just the one! Would be great to know what each of yours stands for!...
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I tuned into BBC this morning for news and the presenters were wetting themselves with excitement. Sky and ITV the same. The whole thing is a farce.
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Viewed 'the wedding' at my mums today. Was planning on avoiding it myself but she had it on while I was doing a bit of painting there so couldn't entirely escape the event. However, I heard that there...
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Do other people enjoy this ale?
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would it be a dry white, or something else, any suggestions would be welcome likely it will have to come from waitrose as that is my nearest shop. but if sainsburys do anything special let me know......
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Handy that the Toyal Wedding takes place in the morning because, if it doesn’t work out, we haven’t wasted the entire day...
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Yesterday I took ‘young’ Francis to the vet so that he could get his teeth cleaned and any extractions that were needed. They removed four of his back teeth and gave me syringes of painkiller to...
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"This auditory illusion allows you to easily switch between the two words: Brain Storm and Green Needle, depending on whichever word you're thinking of. It's even possible to hear an amalgamation of...
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Margaret Thatchers leadership and negative attitudes towards Scotland was toxic but are the SNP not being similar with its dogmatic arrogant approach to Brexit and using indyref2 as a threat are they...
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anotheoldgit /// England fans are told NOT to fly the flag at World Cup in...
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1978..liverpool champions..pope died 2005 liverpool champs..pope died 2018?...
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And not British troops? The IRA Rae murdering scum. The soldiers doing their job as set out by the government of the day. I am disgusted and appalled in equal measures at the treatment of our armed...
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If Hawaii exploded tomorrow morning (via volcano) and everyone died, would God still exist?...
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We are always told that immigration enriches our society. I disagree. Apart from foreign food, what are the net benefits? We have terrorism, a net drain on our benefits system, and a school in...

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