All Hope someone can help me, I brought a new car on Sunday but it had no car tax, I have my car insurance and MOT and went to get my tax today but they will not give it to me until my insurance comes...
Hi All After some advice, what is the average monthly rent for your 3 bed house with the council, I live in Welwn Garden and trying to gauge whether its worth moving, just wanted others views? thanks
Hi Does anyone know if the small cameras that sit on the lights catch you if you run a red light, i went through lights today just as they changed from orange to red and may have been speeding a...
Does anyone know if the cameras that can often be seen perched on top of traffic lights are all set up to catch drivers who go through red lights or do some of them serve a different purpose? For...
Hi All, I have an Audi A3, 30k on clock, when driving at 70 the revs are sitting at 4000 so I thought something was wrong. I have brought a Tom Tom and checked the speed, it appears my speedo is 10%...
Hi all does anyone know what is more efficient on fuel Leaving climate control on all the time or switching it on and off when needed? I was told today that you should just leave it on all time as...
Hi All I am getting a new Audi A3 1.8, 2001, 29k tomorrow, cangt wait, I am worried mind as the cam belt has not been changed, do people know what the rules are around cam belt on this car?? also does...
Does anyone know if you can be demoted from a position if you are sick for 2 months example, I have a friend who has been in a role for 4 months and has just found out he needs an operation and will...
Hi All, I am looking at buying a VW Passat 2004 - 45000 miles on the clock, do you think I should get the cam belt checked or am I safe to wait for a year for the next service? it comes with a service...
Hi All Has anyone had shoulder surgery via athriscopic procedure and shrinking the shoulder capsule, I had it done 3 years ago due to repaeted dislocation, I have recently taken a new job and really...
Hi All, Want some general advice, I have taken on a new team of 7, 6 women and 1 man in my office. Next week I have scheduled a get to no you session 1/2 hr with each member. I want some advice on...
Hi All, I had my shoulder operated on 2.5 years ago, via keyhole were they shrunk my shoulder joint with a heat probe and reattached all my ligaments? Do you think there is any chance of further...
Hi,Stupid & Quick question re drink/driving, I am very nervous driver due to a problem when I was younger, I am going on a lads holiday soon and driving home from airport after the holiday, am I...
Hi All, Me again, hope you can help me out again, I had my right shoulder operated on 3years ago due to regular dislocation. I won an work award this weekend a trip to Monaco :) bad news, I have to do...
Hi all,I dislocated my shoulder on Sat. playing footie and just wondered if anyone knows the average (obviously i know each case is different) time a player is out with this kind of injury. In a best...
Hi, I have a Rover 400 when breaking the pedal is shuddering (like ABS is kicking in) this happened last year and I had my n/s CV joint changed and it all went away but has now come back, have also...
Hi, Just wanted some help, what is the average car mileage per year, if I and my wife are doing 20k per year, a lot of town driving - is this exceptional as someone said it was a lot? I service my car...