Its very strange that so far no national newspaper as forecast a shortage of turkeys to the run up of the jolly season, they normally come up with it about this time of year., unless they are counting...
You were right. one of the tiles had slipped down leaving a 2/ 3 inch gap. It appears its been like this for a good few years, leaving the felt to do all the draining away, the birds nests held a lot...
How will you feel knocking on doors in the dark leading to the December GE? I can honestly say I can not remember a time for a long time, that a candidate has knocked on our front door, they seem to...
So, are you one of those people who starts every sentence with the word "So"? Even worse: Like, so some people do don't dee? Where have the "So flakes" come from?...
I had a two birds nest in my roof felt 2years back and it rotted the felt. I had it patched up, but now there's water leaking in those areas, and half way down the gable end, water runs down the...
Not sure what I can call soup with lentils, onions,garlic,root ginger, chilli flakes,turnip,carrots and potatoes with chinks of gammon thrown in for good measure ?
I bought a black kitchen bin from a well-known store. Not sure I can say the name but it starts with A and ends in s.I then decided I would like another one for recycled bottles and tins the same as...
I think the first flight should include all the engineers etc that fixed it as well as the Board of Boeing....
These antlers will not be hung on someones wall. For now anyway! I know there are arguments for and against trophy hunting and I'm defintely against...
I am a member of several facebook groups including veterans, ex R.A.M.C. etc, and also a member of a facebook group campaigning for a TRUE Brexit. Over twelve months I have had two 'suspensions'...
OK, we have over the last 10 years invited MIL to join us for Christmas she always says she will think about it but never gives us an answer - when we finally ask her if she is coming so we can book...