Do any of you have this annoying (hard to describe) rough dryness in your nose/mouth at the top at the back? I think a lot of people get it when they wake up in the morning. And when you talk it can...
Physically, is there a part of the brain which processes the CONSCIOUS and/or UNSCONSCIOUS? Seems a silly question but everyone talks about the "unconscious mind" and when your unconscious it just...
Hi, I've had a problem with my teeth and gums over the past couple of days, I've only really noticed it much more now as I got home. What it is is I'll randomly get a tingly pain in the bottom front...
I've been wondering about the laws on people Photographing/Videoing others in public without that persons consent? I've been told it's illegal if someone takes a picture of me(like on their phone)...
Hey people, I have this really really bad dizziness in my head, it's whenever I move or turn my head. I have no idea what could be causing it or how to stop this. It has happend in college before and...
Ok this is really annoying now, i've sneezed over 40 times today and i'm not even exaggerating... I think its just a cold but I couldn't even eat my dinner properly. It started from the back of my...
Anyone know why this mainly happens, I get it alot and i'm short of breathe sometimes, it happens randomly really and i'm only 16 , I dont smoke or anything but its really annoying when it happens....
When we sleep, some of us slather on the pillow and its not nice when we wake up? Is there any reason WHY its happening and is there anyway to stop it?
Hi, I am 16 years of age and my eye sight is pretty bad, I wear contact lenses and glasses but I dont like wearing glasses and contact lenses are a pain to put in. I do work/play with computers alot...