/> An unsurprisingly bitter and vindictive response which will be meat and drink to Labour. She must be hoping her party loses to give her a shot at... ...
Princess Anne married Capt Mark Phillips on her brother's birthday. He was the first "commoner" to marry into the Royal Family since the Queen Mother, another fifty years previously.
Hi, just wanted to ask if my mum needed to go into a home, would her own property be taken from her to fund the home? If her property was to be changed over into her daughter's name would this... ...
Mechanic fitted a part on car. Everything done corrctly but part failed. The supplier refuses to admit the part was faulty, so mechanic being sued by car owner. Who does the fault lie with?
We work for bosses who are loaded, yet we (admin staff) have to pay £25 each for our 'do'. We're not sure that we should. Anyway, what is your workplace doing for... ...
How about you? 'According to a new poll, only one in three young people knows what Remembrance Day commemorates. Over 1,000 British adults aged 16-75 were polled on which war was commemorated on... ...
My Samsung Galaxy Android mobile only rings twice before going to voice-mail and I sometimes miss it. I've looked to see if I can make it ring longer (I had no trouble doing it with my landline)... ...
It would be helpful if news and TV presenters explained to the many who listen or view why some people wear medals on the left, some on the right and some on both breasts. Just to confuse matters... ...
I'm not sure if this shouldn't be in law. Any ideas welcome. My 3-doors-away neighbour (51) is a Marie Curie nurse and works with dying patients within a radius of 26 miles. She nearly always... ...