Is having a 'loose change jar' a man thing? I've got one which is used for wee treats when it's full. However, I've only ever known men to have such a thing. Ladies, do you have one? if not, why not?...
What kitchen gadget has had the least usage in your home and in hindsight was a real waste of money or naff present? I have a pizza slicer that was used maybe once and a yoghurt maker still in its box...
Following on from Wardy's question what are 'surprisingly' useful gadgets. Mine are, surprisingly, a mozarella slicer which someone gave me - like a big egg slicer - so quick and don't get sqaushed...
Has anybody had any experience of a Combination Microwave oven? The type I am thinking of combines a microwave oven with a grill and a conventional oven. I've seen some answers to earlier similar...
to be honest i think we should all have one name and no matter if u get banned u still have to use it as its hard to be consistent when u dont know who u are speaking too but my question is some of ur...
I'm leaving my job today and wanted to say cheerio to everyone before I go. Not going very far as I've got a PC at home but I'll miss the 9-5 banter. Hope you all remember to do some work as well as...
look im really sorry about the answer gravitate gave earlier about ms. i had no idea what it was and im sorry who ever it offended and i appreciate legiond been neutral and explaining what me. dris im...
My wife of 20 years has M/S, bad. I work 40 hours a week and look after all the house chores, the kids and her. The M/S has changed her both mentally and phisically and although i could and would...
I have a five year old neutured tom (Diego) and two unspayed 8month old females, who I am keeping in until they are big enough to be "done". Vet says hopefully this week. Anyway, there is a big ginger...
Just wanted to say a very big thank you to everyone for their kind words (in the post someway below). Ive been away for a bit and havnt logged on to AB until tonight so please forgive me for not...
Did your first post contain the immortal line "Hi, Im new here"? Mine didnt, mine was a question, I was just wondering if trolls who pretend they are new use that line or genuine newbies as well?
i remember a midwife telling me about a woman who was giving birth whose surname was eggs so she called her baby son, hammond! hope he had a sense of humour, does anyone else know anyone with a funny...