I put one in the garden this morning and, within ten minutes, two robins were having a good look at it. They've been bobbing about all day.... ...
Anyone doing anything interesting this evening? Cinema, party, pub, seeing friends, watching telly, doing the ironing, playing ludo/chess/snakes and ladders?? We're not, and quite happy not to.... ...
I just can't fathom these last two. 12ac. Litotes newspaper plugs seem so funny. ?EI??ES 8dn. Votes against holding large crowns for bard. N?LE? Help please.
Do you have a childhood comfort food,one that you still get real satisfaction from eating Tell me which three yours are(you can have more if you want!) Mine are: Marmite Heinz Cream of Tomato... ...
the mob have won, police did nothing, if you did, you would get your collar felt. ...
At or just after 6 pm on February 22nd, The AnswerBank will be unavailable for roughly one hour as there is planned server maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.
which river is heard of in Rick's cafe Americain? in which African republic does the river seperate the lands of the Caja from those of the Vindu? thanks
Good evening, a Spectator that’s more friendly than this week’s EV. Some of the Unclueds are falling into place, but the preamble remains a bit mysterious to me. It should turn out to be a... ...
I was shattered, in great pain and demoralised after A&E experience. Elder daughter L. asked a friend and she told me to ring 111. I did, though with no great hopes, on Friday. The lovely lady on... ...
I am looking to start decreasing my carb intake as carbs are not the best for my body type. This means I need ideas for breakfasts high in protein and fats, as that is what I find helps keep me... ...
Had this quiz a while now and struggling on the last question if anyone can help please. It is the 3rd Section which is a connection between the words by changing the vowels. The words in the... ...
which as you know was held at The Hotel Excelsior. The photos are just in and I have to confess that I drank too much champagne to remember who was who, can anyone help? ...