If I were to turn up at a university science lab or other research laboratory with a specimen - alive or dead - of a previously undiscovered / unclassified insect, would I make any money out of it...
I use the net every day and like to keep my computer tidy, so every night I run DiskeeperLite to defrag my computer. I download a few programs at times (from the web), but on the whole just look at...
Why is the small print at the bottom of film posters and ads always written in the same bizarre elongated font? It looks a bit like arial that's been stretched and squashed for no apparent reason. I...
Frankly, I'm deeply unsettled by the way Michael Howard speaks. The accent he has - well, it just doesn't sit right with me at all. Do any of you "peepill" know what it's all about??
Why do Muslims think that Ishmael was the son that Abraham was to sacrifice? Surely the Bible / torah is an earlier work and thus puts Islam's belief that Ishmael was to be sacrificed into dis-repute?
Help ! I'm going mad trying to pick a name for a baby that my hubby , parents , in-laws and I can all agree on. I'm due my baby mid December and although we don't know the sex of the baby , picking a...
Hi, can anyone identify which 60's film & book this quote comes from?
"Art tekkint raise owter meeh, Lad?"?
My apologies if the dialect conversion is lacking. Thanks in advance.