My husband thinks he is going to be made redundant on Monday. He is worried sick, and is over worrying about money.
Please can you give us some advice, on how to get through it.
Many thanks...
I have been under a lot of stress regarding work recently. I only work part time and its a clerical post, i finish work at 2.30 just in time to pick the kids up from school and get the eldest to...
I've only ever bothered trying to claim JSA very few times & occasionally I've asked them to backdate it with what I think is a perfectly legimate reason. But they've always refused. Has anyone...
Hi Im sure there will be someone out there to offer advice. My husband quit his job befor christmas due to the pressure of the job it was not a rash decision it took months befor he finally had had...
Hi, Had to give up my (physically demanding) job last month due to an injury (and my boss said I wasn't pulling my weight, which I'd probably agree with as I WAS getting knackered, I thought because...
Good afternnoon. I am writing this on behalf of a friend. The circumstances are that we was head hunted by an insurance company from a secure job. He signed a contract of employment with his new...
I have worked for my employers for 35 years. About 12 months ago other employees were getting phone calls at all times of night. For some reason unknown to me they thought I was making them. Suddenly...
I'm going through a divorce at the moment. - 2x kids 2 and 4yrs - she has a new partner - I have a new partner. - Decree Nisi came last week, Still waiting for Absolute!! - CSA involved for monthly...
5 years ago I got 10K from a family loss and was with my bf who was buying a house for us to live in, I gave him the 10k for the deposit and he put the house in his name and broke up with me so I lost...
Ok we have been discussing this at work, and I think there is something that can be drawn up by a solicitor, which stops the taxman taking a share, when a property is handed down to a child on both...
Hi All, I keep getting emails emails from a job site about a free CV review with Bradleys CV. Has anybody had one of these, are they legitimate? I am looking for something new so its something I am...
my wife has a British passport but had to go to India as an emergency. To avoid having to get a visa she used her Indian passport. Now however to come back to U.K. she has to produce her old expired...
I recently joined The Entrepreneurs Circle (Business Club). I knew it was a 12 month subscription I have never had to sign anything I can no longer afford this, so wish to cancel. Can they stop me...
Hello, I need some advice. My father has a vintage car that is quite valuable and wants to gift it to us to avoid inheritance tax. I intend on keeping the car in the family after his death. I know...
We're in the middle of a full rewire/replumb as part of the home improvement scheme used to improve the local council houses. Part of the process was verbally agreeing with the surveyor what work...
I posted about a week ago regarding my OH's contract with the above company. It runs out on the 21st Feb and he emailed them on the 17th to confirm he didnt want to renew and had a new phone etc. He...
My mother in law passed away in November and the terms of the will clearly state I am the beneficiary under her wll. I have also been caring for her since 1999. When my mother in law was alive she...