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Bought daughter a popcorn maker for birthday. Works well, but you can only add the flavorings/toppings afterwards. She's after something like the Butterkist stuff, ie buttery.sweet & cruchy ish. Any...
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Why did the romantic period start?
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My daughter and I were talking about those odd little things we do, which give us a tiny bit of pleasure, like stepping onto fresh snow, rolling Swizzles/Parma Violets between thumb and finger,...
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It seems to me that these two bands have led pretty parallel existences; formed in the 60s, heydays within 10 years of formation, some great music in their first decade followed by years of anonymous...
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i've never done it before, but i love silk brocade so much that i'm going to have to buy some, which means im going to have to make something. i need hints and tips, remember i know nothing so all...
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I know what it means , but why a ( or what is or was ) a NOGGIN ??
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I really want two things for wmas....First is one of the phones that a certain retailer advertises that has little legs and arms and the second thing is a 'inner self' from the yoghurt ads....I am...
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for the life of me i cannot remember who this really famous song is by. they played it during john sargeants review of catch 22 last night on the big read. it is compulsary to play it when mentioning...
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2 days ago for no obvious reason a battery exploded. This battery was in a small pot with a couple of other batteries but they were not toching in any way.They were resting on a shelf no where near a...
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I have an old aunt who visits occasionally. Sure, I love her to bits and all that, but there's a problem. She has a cute but stupid little nyaff of a dog, a long haired chihuahua, and insists that I...
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' Fine words butter no parsnips' What's the origin of this quaint culinary put-down of the fine talker who produces nothing ?
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Who wants to join in with me in a big Welcome Back to everyones favourite globetrotter? Nice to have you back mate!
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Can anyone explain to me why it was felt necessary for the Jury in the case to be led along the last known route of the two little girls yesterday, and today to the spot where they were dumped? I just...
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nearly as gorgeous as terence stamp, but i need more than just these two tall, dark, handsome, sultry men to keep me happy, who have i missed, answers on a virtual (picture) postcard please :-D
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a soon to be imposed residents parking scheme means that we will have to pay to take our children to school even though residents parking permits will be free. almost all parents blood is boiling on...
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My wife (a teacher) was on an outing with her colleagues (all women) and the Head (a man). They all had lunch and the Head had a cake called a 'fat rascal'.. He asked in public, in all innocence,...
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Has anyone tried 'Dulux Once' emulsion or satinwood finish & did it live up to its name? Thanx
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what is the difference between a alsation dog and a germanshepheard?
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help,I would like to know what will happen if you have a little bit of grey hair and shaved youre head.

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