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is it true that they tried a face transplant with a Pigs @rse and John Prescott but the Pigs @rse rejected him ?
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would it be likely to get a suspended sentince if someone had been done for abh. and it was his first offence. i'm due to be made redundent from the army with a pension and a lump sum. if i was to get...
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eating carrots will improve vision
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If yu go blind in one eye how much of your vision do you lose a) 1/5th or b) 1/3rd
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Has anyone lost out because they let pride get in the way?
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hi, has any ladys out there had a coil fitted? if so would u recommend it as i am having one fitted next week
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Judging from the amount of postings on the other 3 categories of NEWS, proves it just ain't working. Agree or Disagree?
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Over the last few weeks several rather odd things have happened to me which has made me ponder the in's and outs of Karma!! (odd i know).... Does anyone think the old saying "whats goes around comes...
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is it true that once you do "something" within the "bases" the first time you are going to want to do it over and over again.....ive heard its adicitive to do something over and over again once youve...
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Does anyone here have a myspace?! And if so, have you ever had any luck using the "browse" facility- listed at the top of the page. For some reason, no matter what I put in, I get 0 results. Help!
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Trevor phillips has predicted race riots could be on their way. .stm Surprise surprise, I have seen this coming for years (as have others). This has been...
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I had roast gammon joint, roast pots, sugar snap peas, baby corn, roats parsnips, thick gravy. For pudding I had tinned lychees and homemade custard. What did you have?
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ladies do you find your more "in the mood" when you have had a drink? gentleman does your wife/fiancee/girlfriend enjoy a couple of drinks b4 they get "in the mood"? Just wondered as i find it helps...
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How often do you read books? if so what do you read? and maybe if more kids were brought up with more of a book culture we wouldn't see the problems outlined in the below posts? or is that to naive? i...
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How do you get a copy of a birth certificate?
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My 14 year old daughter wants to get a piercing. At the moment she has 2 in each ear. She now wants to get one either at the top of her ear or in her nose. I don't want her to do this. I'm not really...
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whats the best irish band, i know u'll all say u2, but i dont rate them. i'd plump for the pogues, whadya think?
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who do you really like on the answerbank,who really makes you happy,i can think of a few!! this is a nicer question and should get some better responses babydust!
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How much money do you tend to spend for an 8yo for his birthday. I haven't got as much money as I use to so tend to feel a little guilty for not buying him as much anymore
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going off already do people have that much money to burn?

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