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swole up 4 times size, pain is unbbearable, only one testical. taking ibruphen and anti inflammatorys as i have bad case gout too now. 3 days its lasted recently had urine track virus but it did noit...
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.... here on the Bay. we are sitting out the back, cold drinks to hand, no sign of the piles out the front, we are comfortable and are not moving for anyone....
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When the referendum took place I didn’t believe what either side were saying and looked at what I thought would be best both for me, my family and the country and voted remain. Now that we are...
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I love bread, the more the better. My favourite is French baguette, closely followed by soda bread, then any you have to carve a lump off. I do like cranberry and walnut bread, not so keen on any with...
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Should the public purse be used to fund today’s £2,000,000-plus wedding of Princess Eugenie, who has no royal duties? I can’t see what qualifies her to have such a public televised wedding....
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Went into a cafe this morning to order two coffees, the conversation with the barista went as follows:- Me - two coffees please Barista - really warm today, strange weather we are having for October....
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I have a number of convictions for violence (mostly against the police) Im not proud of it. I have *NO* convictions against vunerable, women, elderly, disabled etc.. in fact I have been...
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Don't millionaire celebrities get on your wick?Pontificating about all and sundry, United Nations Ambassadors? Knock me sick.How about you?...
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Does anyone know if you can take this daily with Naproxen, Statins, or blood pressure tablets
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In 1970-odd, when we started driving, petrol was about 3 gallons for a pound (33p per gallon). Average wages at the time were about £25 a week, so one gallon was about 2 percent of average wage....
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Tilly just referred to her sitting room. I’ve nevre referred to our living room as the sitting room, sometimes as the lounge but usually as the living room. Do you think it’s a regional thing?...
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im undecided to buy my 2 bed apartment , im paying full cash non mortgage. im undecided to keep my cash in bank or buy this place. surely the prices can only go up as there is very little social...
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How do you usually eat yours? We have slices of it with a full breakfast type meal..bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, toast. Occasionally I’ve put a slice on top of a burger in a bun...
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I have one of the above, of my mums voice, dated 1937. I’ve found some information about it...poppy records...but nothing about how I could play it today to hear her voice. It had to use wooden...
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Drove up the M6 on Monday night through the road works. Set the cruise control to 53 mph and was overtaken by loads of hgvs. Does anyone know why these lorries can just charge through the road works...
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my doc is sending. me for a camera test up the bum because i have a kidney leakage. .anyone had it done is it painful ta...
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ITV News, Sangeeta (I think) walking around some Country Estate and saying "Just this week I've been finding out how far you can walk in a Mile" I think most of us have sussed the answer to that one...
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Why do postmen throw away so many elastic bands? Whilst walking our dog I see so many elastic bands left by postmen. We even find them on our drive. Why can’t they just put them back in their bag or...
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My dog has a really bad stomach and I’m wondering f he ate a slug or two, of which there are plenty in my garden now unfortunately. Do dogs eat slugs? Is there a way of getting rid of the slugs...

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