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The Queen will not be attending part of installation ceremony for knights of the Order of the Bath at Westminster Abbey because of the steep steps she would have to negotiate:...
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This cartoon depiction of a father's descent into dementia and his death appears in today's Daily Mail My parents died at the ages of 58 (mum) and 75 (dad) and were both...
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anotheoldgit I think the mother, you...
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will you be watching????
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..We went to see this production at Nottingham's Theatre Royal last night What an incredible show. We all know the story and those wonderful songs, Maria-America-Somewhere-Tonight-Officer Krupke and...
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I'm not a fan of the JV programme as it is like Daily Mail radio. However, there has been a truly harrowing account of abuse from a man who was at boarding school slime 30 odd years ago, it was very...
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I know that it is usually cruel and unkind to laugh at things that other species do. I was once told not to laugh when cats fell or tripped as they would find a way to get their own back. But this...
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Enjoyed a lot of his work over the years....
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just how your meat is slaughtered? Only Morrisons of the big supermarkets actually label their Halal meat - all the others supply it without labelling! Animals are stunned but then recover before...
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If you are an animal lover, stick this programme on - It's Brilliant! The vet tries various innovative, never tried before solutions to help improve the quality of life for the animals that come in...
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The industry say White goods do not last as long as they used to. They mean washing machines ,fridge and other kitchen stuff . So why don't they put proper stuff in them then ....
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Reading the sunday papers shari law wants stopping right now in this country before it takes hold
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Have you made the above and if so what did you serve it with....noodles, tagliatelle, potatoes of some description, rice, bread????? Thanks.
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What kind of things have you put under the pillows for the kids? My hubby puts a tenner for the first tooth and then we put pound or two for each of the rest.
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What do elephants weigh
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anotheoldgit I ask our female ABers, would you have as understanding as this woman if your partner/...
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i know its not real ( why do i always have to put that when i comment on a soap cos someone always pipes up and says its not real lol ) but i cant stand the girl , dont like her acting and the...
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Have a lovely day x
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I didn't know that there was such a thing as duck hunting in Ameria - did you ?...
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cant believe this woman life only yesterday announced she was 6 months pregnant and today shes divorcing him cos hes been cheating with her friend

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