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ToraToraTora Is Dinkanism any more silly that the established religions?...
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mikey4444 Apparently he flushed her head down the toilet .....yea Gods ! Just when you think there is little left in the world to amaze you, this comes...
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win his appeal ?.... 'es a footballer innit, cant do no wrong guv ! His family obviously think hes a very good little boy........
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Do you know a dodgy Dave?
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My husband has received an email from Paypal saying that there is unusual activity in his account. They give a date and the location, which is apparently near New York. They say his account will be...
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My other half is a maintenance man for a shopping centre. The big manager (not his direct manager) has said he's not happy about him having stubble and to shave it off!! Now it's not messy or anything...
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Yesterday, a house across the way from us had a group of men cleaning the moss of the roof. None of them were wearing any sort of safety equipment. The bloke on the roof, who was doing the washing...
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There are already over twice the signatures needed on this Government petition but at least it registers people's concern. Please sign it. This is a travesty....
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Mr Sin had popped into the local car showroom to pick up a spare part for a friend and said that he would grab a brochure for a new one at the same time he was in his work clothes and asked where the...
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Have you ever noticed when you are out walking and you are passed by someone in an oncoming car and you can actually see them saying your name although you can't hear them .I think its awful sweet .
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If you lot are so sure we will vote to leave the EU why not put your money where your mouth is?
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why discuss sharia law on tv this afternoon when is should no be here in this country it is been used by a quarter of muslims in this country very frightening...
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What small things in life make you happy?...
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What dangerous, stupid,brain-dead bunch of women ever to be put on this idiotic program.Wiser eating grass in a field!
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On Andrew Marr this morning Nigel Lawson said "There is no campaign to love the EU only to try and scare the pants of those who may vote to leave" - I think he was bang on, so is there any reason to...
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ChillDoubt But in all honesty, those public servants who failed to do their jobs ought to be sharing that sentence amongst themselves. Her mother (a total...
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Has anyone found dunking broody chickens in cold water to actually work?
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Corrie's Kate Caz and Sophie most boring and unconvincing love triangle ever!
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i wonder if the size of the rats reflect our throw away society, obese rats...

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