The stupid story line in the over rated soap is made easier by the writers when the the hard done by characters are the one who its easier to write sentimental isn't it a pity of me story line for ....
So the guy Christening willys baby thinks that this will encourage us lesser people to have christening .so there you we have been told .worthy of comment?
Bought some medals at a fair .One in particular I was wondering if anyone ha any ideas on Its sterling silver stamped sterling on reverse . Front has like a soldier or policeman pointing hand gun on...
Andy said willy would speak to him for 15 seconds .Right so what would you have said to Andy or indeed anyone getting a gong in 15 seconds .Perhaps Well ....eerm oh yes .your that murray fellow who...
Charles has been speaking about pensions .Well I don't understand what he's on about .Dont know whether I should be worried or no .He seems to be .Any ideas
What is it with people wearing baseball caps back to front .The only thing it does is put little marks on you forehead .Would you wear willies back o front .Which reminds me once local kid fell off...
See they say that that they have found load of doctor who episodes after all these years .Told him to burn them but would he listen .You can't get the staff even back then...
Just been thinking that items are priced far higher than they should be so as only people who have lots of money can buy them .The makers can call them exclusive be cause they can only be bought by...
Pride of Britain .Why does this show do nowt for me .Don't get me wrong the good people featured are wonderful people and deserve credit for their goodness and bravery and so on , but this drawn out...
While out walking early these mornings I meet quite a lot of traffic with their lights on full beam .Some would dip their lights but most don't when meeting .It don't really bother me as there is...
left out until changed u???? unlit?
due to age he wont make certain steps ?o?d????
one eats it ,as a matter o course ?n???e
even he has volunteered to serve ??g???e...
I much to the amusement of family and friends have bought a guitar .Have no sense of music but would be willing to seek advice on the matter .So its bin or sing .Any ideas .Then maybe we could have...
In the Doctors to day the girl patient said she had just run out of tablets ,so the doctor said good just keep taking them. Was this a mistake or was expected to buy the over the counter Dose not not...