OK, he was the Greatest Briton to some, but was Winston responsible for gaffes that may now be considered crucial to WWII's prolongation? I get the impression that, as a figurehead, he was...
If the allegations about Galloway's Iraqi payments are true, what is likely to be done?[As Shatnerfan has done, please note when answering that these are allegations which have been strongly denied by...
How can I remove a white wine stain from my dining room table.... it's a dark wood varnished table & the stain is white & it fill's rough to touch we having dinner at the time so the plate's were hot...
I seem to have developed an allergy to cheese. It has only just started, if I eat anything with cheese in it I get an upset stomatch. Cream also seems to do the same but milk and eggs are fine...
Does anyone know of any books for ideas on Buffett food (cooking for 30 people). Or does anyone have any original, easy recipes for this sort of entertaining? Preferably cold food.