Lately I have been having dreams in a recurring theme, wondered whether any of you guys had a clue what they could mean? Its all a bit depressing but for a while I had had several dreams where I...
Why is it so hard to find a job as a College Student? My mum is having some financial difficulties at the moment and i'm trying to find a part-time job to help her and me survive Yes she gets Child...
Is any one else saddened at the early death of Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin? I have just read the news and chill went down my spine. I liked his programme because of his good sense of fun and the way...
Ive noticed that when people post real and proper questions, say about ones illness or facr finding questions dont get answered, but when others post pointless questions which dont help anyone and...
Truthfully, how many ABers don't know the difference between:- 1) There, their and they're? 2) Were, wear and where? 3) Your and you're? 4) Our and are? I can't believe my son has an A in GCSE and 1)...
Last week i was in my local pub when the barman asked me for ID, because i had sent my driving licence off to the DVLA i didnt have anyhting to show him. I was then told to leave as i didnt look 18...
anyone know what could be wrong with my car, (peugeot 106) it doesnt seem to want to go into 3rd gear and i end up coasting until i can get it. wouldnt normally worry about it but its happening a lot...
Help, is there anything i can do? I have just come back from another day at work in a sweltering office on the top floor. We have no air conditioning and two fans between 10 of us. Where i sit, i have...
ive had a headache for two days now eyes really hurt feel like pulling them out,feel sick anemic and im on iron tablets blood pressure high too waiting for a 24hour thing on me,im getting abit...
just had a picture messege from my boyfriend of his mates eyeing up a larger,older lady in flares nightclub and they both hav girlfriends!WHY do you do it?!!