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So, the price of fuel has rocketed to such a level that people can no longer afford to use their cars. Are all you tree hugging lefty liberals happy now? Do I hear you all hailing Cameron and Osbourne...
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FURIOUS mums told of their "humiliation" today after they were kicked out of a council-funded children's playgroup — because they were BRITISH. Making Links gets a £1,000 annual...
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Just what do they hope to gain ? Students are on the run again. Yet more public money spent on policing that measn even less for grants. Students are supposed to be intelligent but Duh? Just watched a...
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Anyoine missing R1Geezeer, no heard from him for a while, anyone else missing his frioendly banter ?
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Many on this site are keen to accuse anyone on here who has centre right views as thugs and knuckle draggers. Well, after the riots yesterday, by leftie activists, I think we all know who the knuckle...
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Here we are in the UK working our way out of recession (free of the Euro - thanks Gordon best move ever) and what do Bruxelles do? Of course, up our contributions by 840m and ontop of that start...
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Headline on the International Heral Tribune (Yeah ok sorry for this but its what the Crowne Plazza left on my door) Looks likem depsite the austerity measures being bought in by numerous EU countries,...
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So Bob Crow seems very pleased with himself that he has made ordinarly peopl have to walk to work in the wind and rain. what a t***r. Is it right that 3000 people should be able to bring the City to...
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According to a Banker magazine the bailouts could actually net the tax payer 30Bn, a far cry from the 850bn loss predicted by the gloom merchants. So is vindication for Grondo and an end to Banker...
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Aid to Pakistan has been described as pitifull woefull. Why do you thin that is? Are people sick of Fanatic Muslims, many of whom receive their radical training out there ? Is it just apathy ?...
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Looks like private wheel clamping is set to go, private towing too. Is this a good thing or will land owners now struggle to clear theeir land of the ignorant and arrogant ?
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I'll give then a very good reason Recently an 80 year old man poped round to his neighbour to ask to turn down the excessive noise. The 80 yr old wife, also an octagenarian had retuened home from an...
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Our good 'working class hero' Two jags, and many pies, has taken the jkings shilling and become a lord. On one hand I admire someone who from a ships steward drags himself up to the house of Lords....
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It now appears that those that wish to kill and maim us the infidel could well be in line to receive up to 1/2 Million in compo. They have flooded the system with papaer work and accusations that...
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Anyone know how to get the footie from ITV when abroad, they seem to lock out Europe ? T*ssers they are....
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Bottler has now been caught calling a grandmother bigoted. Personally I never cease to be amazed by the arrogance of this man. Voters are now turning on him in the street, this now seems to be...
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Over here in Belgium they are lvoting today on whether or not to ban the burka. The French have also indicated they are keen too. Fines of 110 for first time and Jail for subsequent offences. Given...
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Todays papers, left and right are today laying into Clegg. He is now under the scutiny Senior Labour and Tory members have always had. Is his party over (and I mean party in the sense of good times...
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It appears that homeowners have forked out on average £45 for the 'free light bulb' giveaway so that suppliers can meet theri targets. Ofgem estimates and average houshold is forking out...
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It seems that the powers that be (red labour) have decided to 'compensate' those let out early as by being let out early they are missing out on free food and accomadation. What absolute nonsence this...

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