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mikey4444 Since when has a shortage of iceberg lettuces been a problem ? ......ruddy tasteless things !...
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What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? Don't know and don't care...
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anotheoldgit One has to empathise with them, the thought of a long missing daughter and now this, what can only be...
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Hi, I'm hoping to go to Gib next month with my partner who's Portuguese but her passport has less than six months before expiring but she has her Portuguese ID can she travel with that as I'm not sure...
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A little girl opens the door to find a priest with a collection tin. "What can I do for you, Father?" "I'm collecting for the orphanage." "Just a moment," says the little girl, closing the door. The...
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My obsession with magic has been getting the better of me and has started to affect my marriage. My therapist suggested I write everything down in a letter to my wife but I just don't have the courage...
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How are you all managing the new site ? I am getting used to it, in a few days we won't remember the old one. Probably my imagination, but there seems like there is more advertising, can't blame ED...
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It's so different- everything seems too big ! Ooh matron!
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AB Editor
Good afternoon, We're going to start launch process for the new site at 12o'clock on Monday. This means the site will be inaccessible. You can come chat to us on facebook, or twitter - both of which...
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Forget 'Blond' Jokes or 'Irish' jokes the new rage is for 'Trump Jokes' here are a few 1 What is Trump's Favorite song We Shall Overcomb 2 How is Trump planning to get rid of the Dept of Education?...
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ToraToraTora Why would anyone not welcome a visiting US president?...
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Following Patsy's thread The Pakistani Prayer.... Our Father who art in Bradfordstan, Patel be thy name, Thy curry come, Thy stinging bum, On earth as it is in Notlobistan. Give us this day our daily...
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I've made a celery soup and it's way too salty. Not sure why. Can I rescue it or just throw it away?
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My calculator is missing the minus button But on the plus side still works..............
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My postman is (apparently) bonkers ... I was sat quietly - no noise, no radio, no music, not even the TV - just reading - waiting for a parcel that Royal Mail had said was 'out for delivery'. I heard...
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I just got a pointless answer. Ljubljana, a capital of a country with a Mediterranean coastline. I was childishly pleased with myself. :-)))))))...
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My friend can only sleep on stacks of magazines. He's got back issues....
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A guy, down on the allotment says, His rhubarb is so nervous about meeting people, that it has to hide under a bucket and has to force itself to come out!
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Preloved, no strings attached.

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