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sex goddess
Happy landing for Tim Peake, what an achievement.
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// the Conservatives, Lib Dems and UKIP all announced they would not contest the by-election resulting from her death. // Absolutely the right thing to do, but still congratulations should go out to...
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McCain do a product called Purely Potatoes (frozen whole potatoes). Difficult to locate in UK shops. Any advice? Alternatively, any other frozen potato suppliers? (Not chips, wedges, etc., just plain...
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For me there is no such thing as either. The noises in my head are so loud (more so at night when all else is quiet) that it is akin to living near a busy airport or something. Constant whistling,...
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Do you get charged for using these?
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...........has just popped up on my screen saying Cliff Richard is to face no further investigation into sex abuse.
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What happened to Doctors? Has it finished?
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just bought tickets,anyone been,I heard its wonderful,it's not until august though.
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A truck loaded with Vicks VapoRub overturned on the motorway. Police confirmed there will be no congestion for 8 hours...
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David Cameron leads the ‘Remainers’ and so, as Prime Minister, gets his voice heard in the media every single day, but how many placards have you seen urging people to vote ‘Remain’? Here,...
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fiction-factory The Dad said he has A levels and spent an hour trying to solve it before saying he couldn't solve it. He said friends who...
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England haven't kicked a ball yet, so what's going to happen when they lose a match? 2 videos below.
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mikey4444 I take it then, that we can assume that the LEAVE campaign think that all these last minute registrations are more likely to vote to STAY ?...
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I went to make an appointment to see my GP said I wasn't in a hurry any time in the next week or so would be fine. We have 4 today. 4 TODAY!!!!! Seriously Trying to get an appointment is like trying...
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I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar. Could it be a Chinese whispa?......
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Jess Cartner-Morley in The Guardian today is very harsh about flip flops ... which are, of course, the best summer footwear ever created. I might switch to a new paper in protest. On the other hand,...
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the iron has just made a phut noise and blown a fuse in the box. is this a sign that I should never do any more ironing? or should I just go and get another iron?...
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in Edinburgh. Thankfully no lightening yet. Very warm too. What have you got where you are? Staying in the shade today after yesterday's frying...
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I went into a shop and I said, "Can someone sell me a kettle?" This bloke said "Kenwood" I said, "Where is he?"...
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I had only two words to say when I heard this desperate attempt by Downing Street to wheel out Major yesterday Black Wednesday!!!! Soon after Osbourn announced that mortgages will increase after...

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