My grandson loves the jokes of this form... Q: What do you call a man with a car on his head? A: Jack I have several but you get the idea, looking for ones I don't know.
We were recently notified that electricians would be working in the area and that we would lose power for the day. They duly turned up and off went our electricity. A few hours later there was a... ...
We haven't had any posts in this section of AB for quite some time - the haunted wing of AB! However, I received a file recently about one part of my family history. It's not something I would get... ...
Good Morning a second time! Please ignore the thread in crosswords! Wordle 1,031 3/6 🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Well done Wolf63, and also modeste and MargotTester for yesterday's 2s!
I woke up this morning to the sun coming through my bedroom window. I need to have a word with that new paper boy. ___ A father came home from a long business trip to find his son riding a very fancy... ...
//The incident comes just days after a man killed six people in a Westfield shopping centre.// ...
Annoying ads - let's have a good beef.... Two for me at the moment: The serious one being the Alzheimer's on his relative dying multiple times before real death. That is so untrue and misleading -... ...
I watched an episode of 'Allo 'Allo the other day and laughed just as much as I did when they were first screened. Brilliant! The writing is second to none. So clever!
Many years ago for me, I make my own chips but they are nothing like real deep fried chips. I miss them, but I can't say I miss the greasy pan full of fat, or the smell. My mother's chip pan was... ...
After missing her for a fortnight, I got my beloved cat, Tablo, back again yesterday! She was found about a quarter of a mile way from here by a lady who was concerned that she looked very lost and... ...
He who must do as he is told has taken his dad to the Royal Albert Hall tonight and I couldn't be bothered cooking for one. It's such a faff. Anyone agree?
Ive just counted mine as the cupboard was looking a tad full. 29!! Yes, 29 mugs for tea/coffee, and there's only 2 of us! Admittedly some were gifts i.e. Mother's Day/Father's Day, or humurous... ...
I love my freestanding cooker with induction hob and truly self cleaning oven. 14 years old and yesterday the hob simply stopped whilst I was using it. Oven works fine. I've done the switching off... ...