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I used to date a girl with a lazy eye. It turned out she was seeing someone else the whole time...
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morning, Monday and the start of the working week for some of you. I hope that you are all in good health and that your day is a pleasant one. Do you have any plans for today? I have a food shop...
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ToraToraTora ...this must surely be it. Unlikely these savages will ever...
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,,bumping their heads walking down my stairs, so I put up a warning sign.
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I asked the librarian where I would find books about engine lubricants. She said they are in the non friction section....
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...cold yet and we're already seeing Christmas adverts on the telly. Far too early do you think?...
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I’ve turned off my radiators in my flat (gas central heating) apart from the two in my main room. At night I switch them to off (the little snowflake icon) but when I do this, one of them hisses for...
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morning, Saturday and the weekend is here. I hope that you are all in good health and that your day is a pleasant one. Do you have anything planned for today? I have to get my new reading glasses from...
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Why has Brady got more power than the numerous Tory PMs. He has now revealed what Truss said when she realized her time was up.... Truss said to Brady .It's pretty bad isn't it , to which Brady...
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Alphapuzzle cryptic clue for today....
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The 12-year-old boy stood patiently beside the clock counter while the store clerk waited on all of the adult customers first. Finally he got around to the youngster, who made his purchase and hurried...
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Well he did earn £509m, so good on him and thanks for making my bill seem like peanuts! And if he wants to employ staff then good on him too. He will be paying more tax the IR in the form of EHI no...
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Bobbisox1 There’s already talk of increased taxes across the board which I’d...
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The SAS has decided to use Jack Russells in their war against terror. I am not keen on small dogs and much prefer cuddlier hounds like a German Shepherd. It's an interesting idea - they are snashy...
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I went for an interview on Tuesday as a workwesr Operative. The interview was just a chat about the job and getting to know me. He said would get back to me around Wednesday or asap which sounded...
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I use to work only on the weekends but recent life changes have convinced me to start doing it during the weekdays. I'll be gone 9 hours 4 days a week. Problem is right after I leave my 10 year old...
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I wandered down the cheese aisle of my local supermarket in a dream-like state, and accidentally put my favourite Mexican cheese in someone else's shopping trolley. I was rudely brought to my senses...
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We're having marinated salmon with a vegetable, noodle and cashew nut stir fry. What's captivating your palate later?...

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