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I met my girlfriend 6 months ago in my gym. I really liked her from the start. Our relationship has been quite hectic, seeing as I am 19 and she is 32. Her associates, especially people online...
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For the last few days my left eye has been *twitching* like mad - no obvious reason; I'm not ill or tired or have any problem there. Anyone got any ideas as to why ? I had a good rest over the...
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as some people are offended by some of the questions and answere in AB, could there be a indicator or something on the question, that says some users maybe be offended,
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Could everyone please refrain from having a sense of humour so that people without one do not get offended. Thanks in advance
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If a group of people dressed up as zombies and knocked on my door then pretended to get me when I opened it and I killed one of them. If I genuinely thaught they were zombies, would I have comitted a...
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the latest ads to help people stop smoking concentrates on all the poisons in the smoke arsenic,benzine etc etc,why are they there in the first place???
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One of the girls in work said the other week she went to her aerobics class and they had a new male instructor. He came in wearing lycra cycling shorts and she said she automatically 'checked out his...
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hypothetical question. If a friend or relative gave you a lotto ticket for Christmas, or a birthday, and lets say it won ?2 million pounds. Would you go 50/50 or would you keep the winnings to...
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Did anyone have them knocking on your door's on Christmas Day? We did. They descended in our area about 11am. Ok ,they dont celebrate Christmas but why do they feel the need to force their belief's on...
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David H
Now I gather we can give out emails and things is there a way we can contact a member directly as well?
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I'll start Q. How do snails keep their shells shiny? A. They use snail varnish Merry Crimbo one and all.
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I have noticed a small lump on my ear lobe, but its not actually on the 'pierce hole' its to the side .. Could it be a cyst ? has anyone had this ? Its slightly tender
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does anyone ever feel disapointed at the end of christmas day? i do but im not sure why!
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i wear cycling shorts so wear another pair to cover up me sticky out bits, so why do ladies wear jeans, leggings, trouser or hot pants that show their camels toe, its so distracting as a man i know...
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a) still wrapping presents? b) been out on the lash? c) bad body clock and can`t sleep til at least 4am? d) waiting to see santa? me..c
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should every aber wish every other aber merry xmas and happy new year ? all done.
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who is this awesome duo this is pure body and soul y/heaven.html
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Why do women look so sexy when they play the violin ? am i the only one who has noticed this ?
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i heard that urinating in the bath is very good for your skin, especially if have dry skin as urine contains urea, which is used in some moisturisers, is there any truth in this.....
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Is it wrong to find her incredibly attractive when I am old enough to be her dad?

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