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"animals n"

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the year given was 1965 as one of the MP'S said 1963 which was the right answer...
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My son and his GF went up to a park today (because they can) and saw a foreign 'gentleman' let his kids stamp on on poorly pigeon and then kick it under a car. When questioned he replied 'No...
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davey b
Phrygian monkey ?I?A?
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I think we could all benefit from a good-news story !:::::
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is there a domestic animal that would live with 5 horses and eat dock leaves, maybe some kind of goat or sheep our 20 acre paddock is over run with tem?
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They are wild animals and its the humans who are trespassing on their turf. It makes me so mad when these beautiful animals are on the decline....
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Yesterday I saw a spider crawling out of my toaster and was so horrified I threw it in the bin ( the toaster and he spider ) This made me think that this could be happening all the time. I never think...
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The things some people go to for entertainment & the owners to earn money. They can't be right in the head! What do you think of this story, regarding bears being forced to box each other, complete...
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Who had a hit with this song?
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5 letter word for Logical Fallacies i*o*a Not logical at all this morning!...
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the old mill
28d In greek mythology,a fruit that induced forgetfulnass and a dreamy languor in those who ate it.(5) (l???) 29d don (4) ,a legendary Spanish nobleman and philanderer. (4) (?u??) 30d An independent...
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Mines...pablo 1yr old (verrrrrry handsome) westie Sleeps with a cuddly toy in his moutj every night. Soothes him. Its also the same size as him lol! Also when we go out amd we have to leave gim in the...
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Saw "nothing to declare" yesterday and they were dealing with some snakes sent through the post. Leaving aside for a minute what I'd like to do to the lowlife scum that treat animals this way, does...
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Can different species of birds understand what other birds are saying to them. I ask because I have a bird table that attracts a large assortment of birds, and I see different birds having what looks...
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Surely our cute little bundles of fur wouldn't do this ... ☺...
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pastafreak Anyone familiar with Chester via "The Secret Life of The Zoo" knows of the dedication and sheer love of the animals held by all the keepers. I sincerely...
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We hear an awful lot of guff about muslims suffering from hate-speech - now since 1st of Jan.a prisonable offence in Germany and spreading, - but who will speak up for the murder of thousands of...
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Home of river Dolphin, maybe extinct The only region permitted to grow Port wine grapes Lisbon is at the mouth of this river number of letters not given any help gratefully appreciated...
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12 Strutting around 7 letters
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Saw in one of the Sunday mags pics of flooring that look 3D (Dolphins swimming in bathroom floor), they look fab! They are made of resin. Google 3D flooring for some great images. Does anyone have any...

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